Rick (w/Scott) vs. Mike Rotundo (Scott’s Debut)
Scott vs. Kevin Sullivan
Update on Rick’s injured bicep
Scott vs. Tom Branch
Scott vs. Jack Victory
Scott vs. Trent Knight
Vs. Snake Brown & The Raider
Angles w/ Varsity Club
Vs. Varsity Club (@Clash7)
Vs. Steinborn & Avery
Vs. Snake Brown & Cruel Connection
Vs. Mike Awesome & Rockhard Rick
Vs. John Brewer & Mark Smith
Vs. Varsity Club (@Bash’89)
Vs. Varsity Club (@TV)
Freebirds Attack Rick
Vs. Trent Knight & Bill Ford
Rick’s Big Date With Robin
Vs. Agent Steele & Trent Knight
Vs. Freebirds (@Clash8)
Scott vs. Gene Ligon
Rick vs. Tommy Angel
Doom attacks Scott in limo
Vs. Riddle & Clarke
Vs. Price & Angel
Vs. Agent Steele & Bill Ford
Interview on Louisville Slugger
Vs. Doom (@Havoc’89)
Vs. Skyscrapers (@Clash9)
Vs. Freebirds (TBS) WCW Tag Team Titles
w/ Norman vs. Doom & Dan Spivey
Vs. Barber & Nelson
Promos & Squashes
Vs. Doom (Starrcade’89)
Vs. Road Warriors (Starrcade’89)
Vs. Samoan Swat Team (Starrcade’89)
Vs. Cactus Jack & Rick Fargo
Vs. Cactus Jack & Rick Ryder
Scott & Rick Flair accept PWI Awards
w/ Road Warriors vs. Doom & Skyscrapers
Promo w/ Road Warriors
Steiners save Norman from Skyscrapers attack
Vs. Terminator & Hacksaw Higgins
Interview On Funk’s Grill
Attacked By Andersons
Vs. Rip Rogers & Jack Victory
Vs. Doom (@Clash10) Titles vs. Masks
Vs. Italian Stallion & Bob Cook
Vs. Mark Kyle & Ned Brady
Vs. Arn & Ole Anderson
Vs. Mark Kyle & Rick Fargo
Scott vs. Arn Anderson (highlights)
Vs. Zan Panzer & James Earl Wright
Vs. Rick Fargo & Bubba Rose
Scott vs. Mike Sampson
Vs. Minnesota Wrecking Crew II (M.Enos & W.Bloom)
Rick vs. Minnesota Wrecking Crew #1 (Bloom)
Promo w/ Sting
Vs. Mike Winner & Green Shadow
Vs. Doom (TBS,highlights)
Vs. Doom (Capital Combat ’90)
Vs. Joe Cruz & Bubba Rose
Scott vs. Mark Kyle
Vs. Trent Knight & Mark Hodges
Vs. Barry Horowitz & Mike Hart
Vs. Barry Windham & Arn Anderson
Vs. Doom (Clash11)
Vs. Barry Horowitz & Mike Hart
Vs. Freebirds (@GABash90)
Scott vs. Samoan Fatu
Vs. Dave Johnson & Brian Carr
Scott vs. Dutch Mantell
Vs. Snake Watson & Deathrow
Vs. Krusher Knoff & Mike Thor
Vs. Maximum Overdrive (@Clash12)
Vs. Barry Horowitz & Doug Vines
Vs. James Solomon & Jeff Stone
Scott vs. Ric Flair (WCWSN)
Nasty Boys attack Steiners
Vs. Midnight Express
Vs. Nasty Boys (@Havoc’90)
Rick Vs. Tim Horner
Vs. Magnum Force
Vs. M.M. Bailey & Doug Stahl
Pat O’connor Memorial Intl. Tag Tourney:
Vs. Col. Deklerk & Sgt. Kruger
Vs. Konnan & Rey Mysterio Sr.
Vs. Great Muta & Mr. Saito
Rick Vs. Barry Horowitz
Rick Vs. Michael Hayes
Rick Vs. Jeff Sword
Rick/Scott/Sting/Pillman Vs. 4 Horsemen
Scott/Flair Confrontation
Scott Vs. Ric Flair (World Title)
Disc Eight:
Scott Vs. Flair (Continued)
Vs. Paul Lee & Ray Hammer
War Games Buildup
Vs. Italian Stallion & Cruel Connection
Steiners In War Games ‘91
Vs. Joe Bruce & John Peterson
Vs. Freebirds
Rick Vs. Mark Mero
Vs. Hase & Sasaki (Iwgp Titles)
Vs. Jeff Stone & Brian Clark
Vs. Joe Cazana & Mark Kyle
Vs. Don Allen & Lou Fabiano
Vs. Jim Boss & Tom Burke
Vs. Joe Cruz & Pat Rose
Vs. Sting & Lex Luger (Superbrawl 1)
Vs. Hiroshi Hase & Masa Chono (Clash 15)
Scott Attacked & Injured By Hardliners
Disc Nine:
Rick Vs. Dick Slater
Steiners Stripped Of Belts
Rick & Kazmier Vs. Anderson & Zbysko
Rick Vs. Arn Anderson
Rick Vs. Enforcers (Handicap Match)
Halloween Havoc “Chambor Of Horrors”:
Steiners/Sting/Gigante Vs. Cactus/Abby/Vader/Hall
Rick Vs. Lex Luger (Impromptu Match)
Rick Vs. Mr. Hughes
Rick Vs. Rick Thames
Rick Vs. Oz (Kevin Nash)
Rick Vs. Lex Luger (World Title)
Rick & Scott Vs. Luger & Hughes
Rick Vs. Mike Fever
Rick Vs. Greg Sawyer
Disc Ten:
Rick/Nighstalker Vs. Vader/Hughes
Scott/Firebreaker Vs. Arachnaman/Badd
Vs. Pat Rose & Buddy Lee Parker
Altercation With Vader/Hughes
Vs. Van Vader & Mr. Hughes (Clash)
Vs. Eaton & Zybysko
W/ Sting Vs. Vader, Hughes, & Cactus Jack
Vs. Young Pistols
Dangerous Alliance Feud Recap
Vs. Anderson & Eaton
Vs. Eaton & Zybysko
Scott Vs. Steve Austin
Disc Eleven: (no menu)
Vs. Sting & Great Muta (Japan Supershow)
Vs. Eaton & Zybysko
Vs. Sonny Trout & John Peterson
Rick Vs. Bobby Eaton
Nwa Tag Tourney Announcement
Update: Steiners Win Wcw Titles At House Show
Vs. Fujinami & Izuka (#1 Contenders Iwgp Titles)
Vs. Ricky Morton & Tracey Smothers
Vs. Arn Anderson & Steve Austin
Disc Twelve:
Vs. Steve Williams & Terry Gordy
Vs. Bob Cook & John Peterson
Vs. Steve Williams & Terry Gordy
Vs. Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow (Iwgp Titles)
Vs. Buddy Lee Parker & Randy Starr
Vs. Rick Thames & Sonny Trout
Vs. Steve Williams & Terry Gordy (Highlights)
Vs. Bobby Eaton & Terry Taylor
Vs. Mike Thor & Danny Deese
Brawl With Gordy & Williams
Steiners/Sting/Koloff Vs. Roberts/Rude/Vader/Invader
Disc Thirteen:
Vs. Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson
Vs. Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson
Vs. Chono & Hashimoto
Vs. Scott Norton & Tony Halme
Scott Vs. Masahiro Chono
Scott & Bagwell Vs. Pillman & Austin (Highlights)
Scott Vs. Ricky Steamboat (Tv Title)
Scott Vs. Steve Austin (Last Wcw Match Till ’96)
Disc Fourteen
Debut In Wwf, Squashes & Promos
Vs. Beverly Brothers (Royal Rumble)
Vs. Headshrinkers (Wmania)
Vs. Money Inc.
Vs. Money Inc. (Cage Match)
Vs. Heavenly Bodies
Vs. Headshrinkers (Chv)
Vs. Quebecers
Vs. Pj Walker & Tony Devito
W/ Luger & Undertaker Vs. Yoko/Crush/Borga/Mountie
Feud With The Heavenly Bodies In Smw
Disc Fifteen:
Wrestling Lesson With The Steiners (Chv)
Vs. Money Inc. (Barcelona, Spain)
Scott Vs. I.R.S (Milan, Italy)
Scott Vs. Ludvig Borga (Raw)
Vs. Money Inc. (Superstars)
Vs. Quebecers
Vs. Bret Hart & Owen Hart
Vs. Steve Smith & Leverne Gill
Vs. Brooklyn Brawler & Tony Devito
Vs. Money Inc.
W/ Tatanka Vs. Well Dunn & Blake Beverly
Disc Sixteen:
Vs. Sasaki & Liger
Vs. Benoit & Liger
Vs. Benoit & Norton
Vs. Hase & Muto
Vs. Hase & Sasaki Ii
Vs. Norton & Sasaki
Disc Seventeen:
Vs. Hellraisers
Vs. Hellraisers Ii
Vs. Norton & Hercules
Vs. Norton & Hercules Ii
Vs. Hiroshi Hase & Keiji Muto Ii
Vs. Hase & Sasaki Iii
Vs. Tenzan & Chono
Disc Eighteen:
W/ Eddie Guerrero Vs. Cactus Jack/Malenko/Scorpio
Vs. Dudley Dudley & Gangrel
W/ Tazz Vs. Eliminators & Jason
Vs. Heavenly Bodies (Smw)
Vs. Hawk & Scott Norton
Vs. Chris Benoit & 2 Cold Scorpio
Disc Nineteen:
Vs. Road Warriors
Brawl W/ Warriors, Promo
Vs. Public Enemy
Brawl W/ Warriors & Nastys
Vs. Road Warriors Vs. Nasty Boys
W/ Nastys Vs. Warriors & Public Enemy
W/ Scott Norton Vs. Warriors & Sasaki
Vs. Fire & Ice
Vs. Public Enemy
Vs. Fire & Ice
Scott Vs. Sting
Disc Twenty:
Vs. Sting & Lex Luger
Scott Vs. Booker T.
Vs. Fire & Ice
Rick Vs. Stevie Ray
Scott Vs. The Giant
Vs. Sting & Luger Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Nasty Boys
Vs. Fire & Ice
Vs. High Voltage
Disc Twenty-One
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Harlem Heat Vs. Sting & Luger
Vs. Bobby Eaton & Dave Taylor
Vs. Sting & Luger
Rick Vs. Lex Luger
Rick Vs. Chris Benoit
Rick Vs. Chris Benoit
Rick Vs. Big Bubba
Rick Vs. Sting
Rick Vs. Jeff Jarrett
Disc Twenty-Two
Rick Vs. Arn Anderson
Vs. Amazing French Canadians
Vs. Hall & Nash
Vs. Faces Of Fear
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. High Voltage
Vehicular Assault From Outsiders
Rick & Mutoh Vs. Choshu & Sasaki
Vs. Lex Luger & The Giant
Disc Twenty-Three
W/ Giant & Luger Vs. Valentine, Roadblock, & A.F.Canandians
Steiners & Team Wcw At Uncensored ‘97
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Amazing French Canadians
Rick Vs. Kevin Nash
Vs. Public Enemy
Vs. Konnan & Hugh Morrus
Vs. Jeff Jarrett & Steve Mcmichael
W/ Muta Vs. Hall & Nash & Chono
Vs. Great Muta & Masa Chono
Disc Twenty-Four
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Harlem Heat
Contract Signing W/ Hall & Nash
Vs. Chris Benoit & Steve Mcmichael
Vs. Great Muta & Masa Chono
Vs. Scott Norton & Buff Bagwell
Scott Vs. Randy Savage
Steiners Introduce Ted Dibiase As Mgr.
Vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
Disc Twenty-Five
Vs. Chris Benoit & Steve Mcmichael
Vs. Meng & Barbarian
Vs. Harlem Heat
Vs. Meng & Barbarian
Vs. Scott Hall & Sean Waltman
Scott Vs. Scott Hall
Vs. Public Enemy
Vs. Public Enemy (Street Fight)
Vs. Regal & Taylor
Vs. Disorderly Conduct
Disc Twenty-Six
Vs. Scott Norton & Konnan
Rick Vs. Scott Norton
W/ Ray Traylor Vs. Savage, Norton, Vincent
W/ Ray Traylor Vs. Norton, Bagwell, Konnan
Vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
Vs. Buff Bagwell & Konnan
W/ Ray Traylor Vs. Norton, Bagwell, Konnan
Rick Vs. Buff Bagwell
Vs. Kevin Nash & Buff Bagwell
Disc Twenty-Seven
Vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
Vs. Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton
Vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
Rick Vs. Vincent
Scott Vs. Jim Duggan
Scott & Norton Vs. Rick & Luger
Scott Vs. Ray Traylor
Scott Vs. Fit Finlay
Rick Vs. Konnan
Scott & Bagwell Vs. Rick & Luger
Rick Steiner Vs. Scott Steiner
Disc Twenty-Eight
Scott Vs. Smiley & Silver King
Rick Vs. Rick Fuller
Scott Vs. Lenny Lane & Nick Dinsmore
Rick Vs. Brian Adams
Scott Attacks Bagwell
Rick & Bagwell Vs. Scott & Giant
Rick Steiner Vs. Scott Steiner
Disk 1
This first volume covers Rick & Scott as they
wrestle in separate promotions earlier in their careers.. Rick winds up in the
NWA first, as Scott is still wrestling in the CWA. The majority of the matches
on this volume are in “Good” quality.
1. Scott Rechsteiner (Scott & Rob [Rick]'s real last name) v. The Great Wojo (WWA)
2. Rick Steiner & Steve "Dr. Death Steve Williams" v. Tatsumi Fujinami & ??? (New Japan)
3. Rick Steiner & Steve Williams v. Akira Maeda & Nobuhiko Takada (New Japan)
4. Rick Steiner & Terry Taylor v. Shane Douglas & Randy Haskins (UWF)
5. Rick Steiner v. Shane Douglas (UWF TV title match)
6. Scott Steiner & Shaun Baxter v. Gary Young & Brick House Brown (CWA)
7. Scott Steiner v. Frankie Lancaster (CWA)
8. Scott Steiner & William Thompson v. Jimmy Golden & Frankie Lancaster (CWA)
9. Rick Steiner v. Mike Rotundo (NWA)
10. Scott Steiner & Jed Grundy v. Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller (CWA)
11. Scott Steiner & Jed Grundy v. Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller (Rematch - CWA)
Disk 2
Rick & Scott are now both in the NWA and their careers begin to merge together as they begin their run as a tag team.
12. Rick Steiner v. Kevin Sullivan (handheld footage)
13. Steiner Brothers v. Rotunda & Sullivan (Good quality)
14. Scott Steiner v. The Great Muta (Sullivan & Rotunda run in. Rick makes the save – Good quality)
15. Steiner Brothers v. Mike Rotunda & Kevin Sullivan (Clash 7)
Steiner Brothers v. Mike Rotunda &
Kevin Sullivan (Great American Bash 7/23/89 - Texas Tornado match.
Steiner Brothers v. The Freebirds
[Hayes & Garvin] (Robin Green [who Rick's been spending time with]
trips Scott, leading to a victory by the Freebirds. Clash 8)
Scott is waiting for Rick at a park, when Robin Green drives up in a
limo. She hasn't seen Rick, but invites
Scott to wait for him in the limo. Scott gets in, and is beat up by two thugs
who eventually become known as Doom.
19. Steiner Brothers v. Doom (with Woman, formerly known as Robin Green – Halloween Havok 10/28/89)
20. Steiner Brothers v. the Sky Scrapers (Sid Vicious & Danny Spivy) Doom & the Road Warriors run in (Clash 9 – 11/15/89)
21. Steiner Brothers v. the Freebirds (Rick & Scott win their first WCW World Tag title)
Disk 3
The first 3 matches are from Starrcade ‘89
1. Steiner Brothers v. Doom
2. Steiner Brothers v. the Road Warriors (The Steiners get a rare pinfall victory over the LOD)
Steiner Brothers v. the Samoans (Starrcade
'89 - The Samoans replaced the Skyscrapers because Sid Vicious
was suffering from a collapsed lung.)
Steiner Brothers v. Doom (The
Steiners put the tag titles up against Doom's masks. Doom lost this match,
but it turned out to be the best thing for them, as without their mask, they
were 10 times better, and received
a major push culminating in a 7 month title reign. Clash 10 – 2/6/90)
5. Steiner Brothers v. the Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole & Arn Anderson - Wrestlewar 90 – 2/25/90)
Steiner Brothers v. Minnesota
Wrecking Crew II (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom who were wrestling in the AWA
as the Wrecking Crew at this time. During their brief stint in WCW, they wore
masks. Good quality)
Steiner Brothers v. Doom - (Doom
now managed by Teddy Long appear to win the Tag titles, But Paul Ellering
comes out and convinces the ref to reverse the decision. TV 3/30/90)
8. Rick Steiner v. Wrecking Crew II #1 (Good quality)
9. Steiner Brothers v. Wrecking Crew II (Good quality)
Disk 4
1. Steiner Brothers v. Doom (TV 4/13/90)
2. Rick Steiner v. Butch Reed (Ron Simmons runs in. Scott makes the save. TV 4/20/90)
Scott Steiner v. Ron Simmons (And as you’d expect, it’s not long
before all 4 men are once again in the ring brawling
it out. TV 4/27/90)
Rick Steiner v. Teddy Long in a debate (And if you know Rick Steiners
character in WCW, you know that this debate
was interesting to say the least. Needless to say, Doom runs in to attack Rick,
leading Scott to run in for another big
5. Steiner Brothers v. Doom (Doom wins the NWA Tag Team Titles - Capitol Combat 5/19/90)
6. Steiner Brothers v. Doom (Clash 11 – 6/13/90)
Disk 5
1. Steiner Brothers v. the Freebirds (Great American Bash 7/7/90)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Maximum Overdrive [Tim Hunt & Jeff Warner] (Clash 12 – 9/5/90)
3. Steiner Brothers v. Ring Lords (TV 10/5/90)
Steiner Brothers v. The Nastyboys (GREAT AND WILD MATCH! Saggs hardway
juices from a wicked chair shot by Rick
Halloween Havok 90)
(Matches 5 -7 are from Starrcade 90)
5. Steiner Brothers v. Sgt. Kreuger & Col. DeKlerk (Flyboy Rocco Rock)
6. Steiner Brothers v. Rey Misterio Sr. & Konnan
7. Steiner Brothers v. Great Muta & Mr. Saito
8. Steiner Brothers v. Hiroshi Hase & Kensuke Sasake (GREAT MATCH! Tokyo Dome 1/4/91)
9. Scott Steiner v. Ric Flair (Clash 14 – 1/30/91)
10. Steiner Brothers v. Master Blasters (TV 2/9/91)
Disk 6
1. Steiners, Sting & Brian Pillman v. Sid Vicious, Barry Windham, Larry Zbysko & Ric Flair (Wargmes – Wrestlewar 91)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Freebirds (Steiner Brothers regain the World Tag Titles – TV 3/30/91)
3. Video promo of the Steiners & Lex Luger/Sting leading to…
4. Steiner Brothers v. Lex Luger & Sting (The Steiner Brothers get the pin in this dream match thanks to a Nikita Koloff run-in. Superbrawl I - 5/19/91)
5. Steiner Brothers v. Hase & Chono (Dick Murdoch & Dick Slater run-in, Clash 15 – 6/14/91)
6. Steiner Brothers v. Hase & Sasake (Rematch from The Tokyo Dome - ANOTHER GREAT ONE!)
7. Rick Steiner v. Lex Luger (Clash 17 – 11/19/91)
8. Steiner Brothers v. Sting & The Great Muta (Sting & his arch enemy Muta team up for the first time and upset the Steiners in a Very Good Match 1/4/92 Tokyo Dome)
Disk 7
1. Steiners v. Vader & Mr. Hughes (Clash 18 – 1/21/92)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Cactus Jack & Abdullah the Butcher (Cactus & Abby brawl afterward. TV 2/8/92)
Steiner Brothers v. Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton (VERY GOOD MATCH -
Eaton & Anderson were each one half of two
of the greatest heel tag teams in NWA/WCW history. Superbrawl II – 2/8/92)
4. Steiner Brothers v. Iizuka & Tatsumi Fujinami (Wrestlewar 5/17/92)
Steiner Brothers v. Williams & Gordy (NWA/WCW Tag Team unification
tournament. Williams and Gordy upset the
Steiners in a good match between two of the best American teams working at that
time. Clash 19 – 6/16/92)
6. Steiner Brothers v. Bam Bam Bigelow & Vader (The Steiners regain the IWGP titles in a Very Good match. 6/26/92)
Disk 8
1. Steiner Brothers v. Chris Benoit & Jushin Liger (Very Good match)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Kensuke [Power Warrior] Sasake & Jushin Liger
3. Steiner Brothers v. Beverly Brothers (Royal Rumble 1993)
4. Steiner Brothers v. Headshrinkers (Wrestlemania 9)
5. Steiner Brothers v. Beverly Brothers (low sound - RAW 4/5/93)
6. Scott Steiner v. IRS (low sound - RAW 4/12/93)
7. Steiner Brothers v. Money Inc. (4/24/93) global Warfare
8. Scott Steiner v. IRS (4/26/93) Global Warfare
Disk 9
1. Steiner Brothers & Smoking Gunns v. Headshrinkers & Money Inc (King Of The Ring 6/13/1993)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Money Inc. (Steel Cage Match 8/16/93)
3. Steiner Brothers v. Heavenly Bodies (Summerslam 1993)
4. Steiner Brothers v. Quebecers (The Quebecers win the Tag Titles - RAW 9/13/93)
5. Scott Steiner v. Quebecer Pierre (RAW 9/20/93)
6. Scott Steiner v. Ludvig Borga (RAW 11/8/93)
7. Steiner Brothers, Lex Luger & Undertaker v. Ludvig Borga, Quebecer Jacques, Crush & Yokozuna (Survivor Series 1993)
Disk 10
1. Steiner Brothers v. Keiji Muto & Hiroshi Hase (FANTASTIC 20 MINUTE MATCH! Tokyo Dome 1/4/94)
2. Steiner Brothers v. Bret & Owen Hart (VERY GOOD MATCH 1/11/94)
Disk 11
Steiner Brothers v. the Hellraisers (Hawk
& Power Warrior. For those who are
unfamiliar with the Hellraisers, I'll give
you a short history. In 1992, when Animal was injured and had to take some
time off, Hawk went to New Japan and
began teaming with Kensuke Sasake. Sasake wore the facepaint and spikes like
the LOD, and went by the name of
Power Warrior. Together, the Hellraisers were extremely popular in New Japan
winning the IWGP titles on two occasions. Rick injures his shoulder
legitimately 5 minutes into the match, and Scott has to wrestle the rest of the
match by himself. Fukuoka Dome 5/5/94)
2. Steiner Brothers v. The Hellraisers (Fukuoka Dome 8/4/94)
Steiner Brothers v. Hase & Power Warrior (Sasake) YET ANOTHER
4. Steiner Brothers v. Keiji Muto & Hiroshi Hase (FANTASTIC MATCH! 1/4/95)
5. Steiner Brothers & Scott Norton v. Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal & Power Warrior (GREAT DREAM 6MAN TAG MATCH as Animal returns to team with both Hawk & Power Warrior - Fukuoka Dome 5/3/95)
6. Steiner Brothers v. Scott Norton & Road Warrior Hawk
Note: This site is for informational purposes only. This is where I keep the listings of the tapes in my collection. None of the videos listed on this site are for sale or trade.