Disk 1
1. Promo – Rocky Maivia (11/11/96)
w/ Mark Mero, Barry “The Stalker” Windham &
Jake Roberts v. Crush, Goldust, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Jerry Lawler (Rocky
Maivia makes his
WWF wrestling debut. Survivor Series 1996)
3. Rocky Maivia v. Salvatore Sincere (11/25/96)
4. v. Salvatore Sincere (Free For All match. IYH12. 12/15/96)
5. v. Daveyboy Smith (1/13/97)
6. v. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (2/13/97)
7. v. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (IYH 13 – 2/16/97)
8. v. Leif [Al Snow] Cassidy (Sunny is the guest time keeper. 2/17/97 – low sound)
9. v. Vader (3/3/97)
10. v. Tony Roy (RAW 3/10/97)
Disk 2
1. Rocky Maivia v. The Sultan (Maivia’s Dad, Rocky Johnson runs in to break up a double team attack by the Sultan & the Iron Sheik. Wrestlemania 13.)
2. Int – Rocky Maivia & his dad Rocky Johnson. Johnson promises not to get involved in any more of his son’s matches. (3/24/97)
3. Rocky Maivia v. Leif Cassidy (3/24/97)
4. Rocky Maivia v. Bret Hart (3/31/97)
5. Rocky Maivia v. Savio Vega (The Nation of Domination attacks Rocky. Ahmed Johnson makes the save. 4/14/97)
6. Rocky Maivia v. Savio Vega (IYH 14 – 4/20/97)
Rocky Maivia v. Owen Hart (Owen wins the IC Title.
This needed to happen, as despite being pushed as a babyface, Rocky was getting
far more boos then cheers.
The modern-day WWF fans simply didn’t go for the ultra good babyface personas
that worked back in the 1980s. As a result, the crowds generally
rejected Rocky Maivia. 4/28/97)
8. Rocky Maivia v. Mankind (Rocky suffers another clean loss. IYH 15 – 5/11/97)
9. Rocky Maivia v. Farooq (RAW 5/19/97)
Rocky Maivia v.
Flash Funk (Though both are babyfaces, Rocky comes out to a lukewarm response
at best. It’s obvious now that given too much too soon,
the crowd has all but rejected Rocky as the ultra 1980-style babyface that he
was pushed as. Not coincidentally, this would be the last we’d see
of Rocky Maivia for nearly 3 months as he’d be repackaged for the next step in
his evolution. .5/26/97)
11. Farooq v. Chainz (Rocky Maivia turns heel & joins the Nation of Domination! 8/11/97)
Int – Rocky Maivia and the Nation of
Domination. Rocky Maivia talks about the fans booing him with chants of “Die
Rocky Die” and “Rocky Sucks”
(RAW 8/11/97)
Disk 3
1. v. Ahmed Johnson (9/22/97)
2. w/ Dlo Brown & Godfather v. LOD (IYH 18 – 10/5/97)
3. v. Brutish Bulldog (The Hart Foundation & The Nation of Domination wind up brawling with each other. 10/6/97)
4. Rocky Maivia & Kama v. Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson (The rest of the NOD and the LOD are at ringside. RAW 10/20/97)
5. Int – Nation of Domination (The Hart Foundation are accused of spray painting racial slurs in their lockerroom. RAW 10/20/97)
– Nation of Domination (The Nation calls out the Hart Foundation, and Bret
responds. Degeneration X also weighs in and continues to fan the
flames between the Nation and the Hart Foundation. RAW 10/27/97)
7. Rock, Faarooq, Kama Mustafa & D’Lo Brown v. LOD, Ken Shamrock & Ahmed Johnson (Survivor Series 1998)
– Rocky Maivia & Steve Austin (The seeds of what would become one of the
WWF’s greatest feuds are sown. Rocky Maivia refers to himself as
”THE ROCK” for the first time!. 11/10/97)
Int – “Stone Cold” Steve Austin puts the
badmouth on The Rock and the entire Nation of Domination runs in and attacks
Austin. Austin manages to hold his own,
but Rocky Maivia steals Austin’s Intercontinental Championship belt! (RAW
10. v. Dude Love (Austin & the Nation of Domination come out. 11/17/97)
Int – The Rock Steve Austin interrupts and
then runs in and attacks The Rock in a HILARIOUS segment! Rocky still manages
to leave with Austin’s IC
Belt though. The Rock also refers to himself as “The People’s Champion” for
the first time. 11/24/97)
The next 3 are from RAW 12/1/97
12. Int – Rocky Maivia
13. v. Vader (Before the match begins, Austin drives his custom pickup truck into the arena! Austin then gets out and watches the match.)
14. v. Steve Austin (IYH 19 – 12/6/97)
Disk 4
1. Int – Nation of Domination (RAW 12/8/97)
Steve Austin forfeits the IC Title to
Rocky Maivia. And then stuns the Rock! Austin then leaves with the Rock’s new
Intercontinental belt. GREAT
SEGMENT! 12/8/97)
Int – The Rock, who ORDERS
Steve Austin to return his belt. Notice how Rocky is now calling the shots in
the Nation, giving orders to everyone, and referring
to the nation as ”The Rock & The Nation of Domination”. The Nation’s actual
leader, Farooq is standing apart from them with a concerned look on his face.
(RAW 12/15/97)
4. Video – Nation of Domination & Steve Austin (RAW 12/15/97)
Int – Rocky Maivia. Steve Austin interrupts
him on the Titan Tron though, AND THROWS THE
6. Int – Rocky Maivia (12/22297)
7. v. Undertaker (12/22/97)
The Rock talks some trash to Ken Shamrock
after Shamrock defeats Dlo Brown. After offering Shamrock an IC title shot at
the 1998 Royal Rumble,
The Rock orders Dlo and Kama to go to the back. NOD leader Farooq is out there
too, but the Rock completely ignores him, leaving Farooq to go to the
back on his own with a pissed off look on his face.(12/22/97)
Shamrock defeats Kama and The Rock stops the
Nation from running in to attack Shamrock with another good promo. The Rock
also takes the liberty of
signing a match between Shamrock and Farooq! Farooq isn’t very happy about
this. (12/29/97)
Farooq v. Ken Shamrock (The Rock & the
rest of the Nation are at ringside for the match. Steve Austin makes an
appearance as well, which usually
means bad news for the Rock. RAW 1/5/98)
11. Int – Rocky Maivia (1/12/98)
The Rock & Dlo Brown v. Ken Shamrock & Mark
Henry (Henry turns heel and joins the Nation! Kama is also at ringside, but
Farooq isn’t with them.
hmmmm……RAW 1/12/98)
13. The Rock v. Ken Shamrock (Royal Rumble 1998)
Disk 5
1. The Rock in the 1998 Royal Rumble match
2. The Nation of Domination talks with Mike Tyson (1/19/98)
3. v. Ahmed Johnson (1/19/98)
w/ Faarooq v. Ken Shamrock & Chainz
(Shamrock is accompanied by Ahmed Johnson, & the Disciples of Apocalypse. The
Rock & Farooq are of course
accompanied by Dlo, Kama & Mark Henry. 2/9/98)
5. The Rock, Faroq, Dlo Brown, Kama & Mark Henry v. Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & The DOA (IYH No Way Out 2/15/98)
Rocky Maivia gives gifts to the Nation of
Domination. It’s Rolex watches for everyone! Well, except for the Nations
leader Faarooq. He gets a gift too,
but it doesn’t look like Rocky has put as much thought behind it as with the
others. (RAW Saturday Night - 2/21/98)
7. v. Steve Blackman (2/23/98)
w/ Faarooq v. Ken Shamrock & Steve
Blackman (After the match, Shamrock puts the Rock in the Ankle Lock and refuses
to let go. Farooq refuses to
to allow any of the Nation of Domination to help the Rock. Definite dissension
here between the Rock & Farooq. RAW3/9/98)
Dlo Brown v. Ken Shamrock (DLo is given 2
minutes to win the match. Rocky Maivia attacks Shamrock with a chair. Farooq
steps in to stop the Rock
from beating Shamrock further. RAW 3/17/98)
Disk 6
1. Int – Rocky Maivia (RAW 3/17/98)
2. Faarooq v. Chainz (Rocky Maivia hits Farooq with a chair! 3/23/98)
3. Rock v. Steve Austin (Degeneration X comes out. 3/23/98)
Rock v. Ken Shamrock (GOOD MATCH! The
Rock submits to the Ankle lock, and Shamrock refuses to let go. Farooq comes to
ringside, but
decides to walk away, instead of helping the Rock. Rocky is eventually carted
off on a stretcher, but when Shamrock is informed that he was
disqualified for refusing to release the ankle lock, HE GOES BERSERK! Shamrock
chases down the Rock and dumps him off of the stretcher
and DEMOLISHES HIM! Wrestlemania 14 3/29/98)
5. Int – Rocky Maivia (The Rock apologizes to Farooq and assures him that after tonight, the Nation would be stronger than ever. RAW 3/30/98)
6. Rock & Faarooq v. Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman (The Rock walks out on Farooq during the match, leaving Farooq to take the loss for their team. Farooq calls out the Rock afterward, and attacks him! After the fight is broken up, Farooq calls him out again, but Kama, Dlo & Mark Henry attack Farooq themselves! The Rock kicks Faarooq out of the nation and takes over as the leader of the Nation of Domination RAW 3/30/98)
7. Rock & Dlo Brown v. Ken Shamrock & Owen Hart (Mayhem in Manchester 4/4/98)
8. Rock v. Owen Hart (Prior to the match. The Nation attacks Faarooq. 4/6/98)
9. Rock, Dlo Brown & Godfather v. Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman & Farooq (Unforgiven 4/26/98)
10. Rock & Mark Henry v. Ken Shamrock & Owen Hart (No match, as Owen Hart IMMEDIATELY turns on Shamrock and jons the Nation! Steve Blackman, and Farooq run in to help, but are beat down by the Nation of Domination. 4/27/98)
11. Rock & Owen Hart v. Steve Blackman & Faarooq (5/4/98)
12. Rock & Dlo Brown v. Steve Austin & Vince McMahon (eventually erupts into a huge brawl. 5/11/98)
13. The Rock/Owen Hart v. New Age Outlaws (RAW 5/18/98)
Disk 7
1. The Rock v. HHH (RAW 5/25/98)
2. Int – The Rock. Farooq runs in and DESTROYS THE ROCK! Rocky winds up being stretchered out of the ring with a neck brace (Over The Edge 5/31/98)
3. The NOD tends to the Rock's injuries backstage (IYH OVER THE EDGE 98)
4. The Rock v. Farooq (IYH:OVER THE EDGE 98)
5. The Rock v. Vader (RAW 6/15/98)
6. HHH v. Xpac (Joined In Progress. Owen Hart & The Rock interfere. 6/15/98)
7. The Rock v. HHH (RAW 6/22/98)
8. The Rock v. Dan Severn (KING OF THE RING 1998)
9. The Rock v. Ken Shamrock (KING OF THE RING 1998)
10. D-X imitates The Nation! They bring out “Jason Sensation” who does a FANTASTIC Owen Hart. (RAW 7/6/98)
Nation responds to D-X! Unfortunately, it’s Jason Sensation who got the worst
of it, as Owen Hart came out to the commentator’s table where
Jason was sitting AND BEATS THE HELL OUT OF HIM! DX needed to come out and save
him. (RAW 7/13/98)
12. The Rock/Owen Hart v. HHH/X-Pac (RAW 7/13/98)
13. Dlo Brown v. HHH (The Rock interferes, allowing Dlo to win the European Title! 7/20/98)
14. Int – Nation of Domination (7/20/98)lok
Disk 8
1. Int – Rock (RAW 7/20/98)
2. The Rock v. X-Pac (RAW 7/20/98)
3. Int – Rock (RAW 7/20/98)
4. Rock v. HHH v. XPac (RAW 7/27/98)
5. The Rock v. HHH (2 out of 3 falls - IYH:FULLY LOADED)
Rock & Owen Hart call out Steve Austin & The Undertaker. It winds up being a
big brawl with Austin fighting the entire Nation of Domination, and
Austin’s own tag team partner The Undertaker! (RAW 8/3/98)
7. Int - Rock & Owen Hart (8/3/98)
8. The Rock & Owen Hart v Undertaker & Steve Austin (8/3/98)
9. The Rock/Owen Hart v. New Age Outlaws v. Kane/Mankind v. Steve Austin/Undertaker (4-Corners match - RAW 8/10/98)
10. The Nation v. D-X (Street Fight - RAW 8/17/98)
Disk 9
1. Chyna calls out The Rock (RAW 8/24/98)
2. The Rock v. HHH (GREAT Ladder Match SUMMERSLAM 1998 it was during that ladder match that The Rock's popularity expanded from just the die hard fans to the general public as well. You could easily make out chants of "ROCKY! ROCKY!" instead of "Rocky sux" even though the Rock was still a full fledged heel.)
3. backstage footage of the Rock following the Ladder match. (Summerslam 1998)
4. w/ Mark Henry v. New Age Outlaws (9/5/98)
5. Int - The Rock (9/12/98)
6. The Rock v. Kane (RAW 9/14/98)
7. Int – The Rock, Ken Shamrock & Mankind (9/21/98)
8. The Rock v. Mankind v. Ken Shamrock (3-Way Dance - RAW 9/21/98)
9. The Rock v. Ken Shamrock v. Mankind (GREAT Steel Cage Match - IYH:BREAKDOWN:)
Disk 10
1. Int – The Rock (9/28/98)
2. The Rock/Mankind/Ken Shamrock v. Undertaker/Kane (RAW 9/28/98)
3. The Rock v. Undertaker (RAW 10/5/98)
Int –
The Rock. The Rock is upset about having to team up with Steve Austin. Dlo &
Mark Henry interrupt the Rock to complain about his teaming
up with Austin and not the Nation. The Rock gets even more upset and challenges
them to take matters outside. (10/12/98)
Rock/Steve Austin v. Undertaker/Kane (The Rock & Austin team up for the first
time! Mark Henry runs in during the match and attacks
the Rock! RAW 10/12/98)
6. The Rock v. Mark Henry (DLo comes out and helps Mark Henry score the upset victory! IYH:JUDGEMENT DAY)
Rock v. D-Lo Brown (The Nation of Domination is definitely history as the Rock
attempts to get some revenge on Dlo for what happened
at Judgment day. RAW 10/19/98)
Disk 11
1. Advertisement for the Rock’s T-shirt (RAW 10/26/98)
2. The Rock v. Droz (RAW 10/26/98)
The Rock v. Ken Shamrock (Vince McMahon
adds the stipulation that if the Rock doesn’t win by pinfall or submission, he
loses his spot in the
upcoming World Title Tournament at the Survivor Series. The Rock wins, but by
DQ, so he’s out of the Survivor Series!RAW 11/2/98)
4. Int – Vince McMahon & the local police (11/2/98)
5. The Rock gets arrested! (11/2/98)
6. Int – The Rock (11/9/98)
The Rock is attacked backstage. Meanwhile,
Vince has added a stipulation that if the Rock doesn’t score a pinfall or
submission win over Mark Henry
tonight, he will be fired! (RAW 11/9/98)
8. Vince taunt
9. The Rock v. Mark Henry (The Rock attacks Vince McMahon! RAW 11/9/98)
The next 4 matches are from the WWF Championship tournament at the 1998 Survivor Series )
10. The Rock v. HHH
11. The Rock v. Ken Shamrock
12. The Rock v. Undertaker (semifinal match)
The Rock v. Mankind (Tournament final.
Tongue in cheek screw job finish. Those familiar With the Bret Hart
v. Shawn
Michaels match at the previous
years Survivor Series will recognize the reference. The Rock then surprises
EVERYONE by joining Vince McMahon’s corporation!)
Disk 12
1. Int – Vince McMahon and his new “Corporate Champion” The Rock! 11/16/98
2. Sgt. Slaughter and the Stooges (Patterson & Brisco) search for a FURIOUS Mick Foley in the boiler room Raw 11/16/98
3. The Rock v. Steve Austin (RAW 11/16/98)
4. Mankind v. Bossman (Ladder Match - Hardcore Title) - Rock runs in and costs Foley his belt - Raw 11/30/98
5. The Rock v. Al Snow (Mankind and the Rock brawl afterward - Raw 11/30/98)
6. Int – Rock (Capital Carnage 98)
7. Rock v. X-Pac (Capital Carnage 98)
8. Rock/Undertaker v. Steve Austin/Mankind - Raw 12/7/98
9. Promo – The Rock introduces us to the first PPV named after “The Great One”. IYH Rock Bottom
10. Rock v. Mankind (Mankind wins the match, but not the title as he didn't pin the Rock, and because he put him out cold with the Mandible Claw, The Rock didn't submit either. Foley gets ‘screwed’ again. - IYH: Rock Bottom)
Disk 13
1. Degeneration X imitates the Corporation in a hilarious skit. Needless to say, the Rock as Vince’s “Corporate Champion” isn’t happy and comes out to have his say, doing several HILARIOUS impersonations in the process.(RAW 12/14/98)
2. Mankind challenges Vince McMahon to a street fight in the parking lot, where he assaults Vince until the Rock shows up and gives Foley the Rock Bottom onto a car hood Raw 12/14/98
3. Rock v. HHH (RAW 12/14/98)
4. Rock & Test v. HHH & XPac (RAW 12/21/98)
5. Mankind v. Roaddog (Hardcore title match JIP) The Rock does a run-in, costing Mick the title once again. Raw 12/28/99
6. Mankind/Vince McMahon interview - Foley asks Vince to give him the Royal Rumble title shot at the Rock, but Vince refuses and says that the only way Mankind will get in the Royal Rumble is to beat HHH that night Raw 1/4/99
7. Mankind v. HHH (Shane McMahon, the guest ref, fast-counts Mick to cost him the match, but afterwards, Mankind stretches Shane and uses him to force Vince into giving him a no DQ Title shot at the Rock TONIGHT! Raw 1/4/99)
8. Rock v. Mankind (No DQ match for the WWF Title. MANKIND finally wins his first World Title! The crowd went ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!
After years of putting his body on the line for the fans and the sport in general, it was great to see Foley's life long dream finally become a reality.
That night, there wasn't another wrestler in the world who deserved it more. Raw 1/4/99
9. Great Rock/Mankind interview, which sets up the "I Quit" match at the Royal Rumble - 1/11/99
Disk 14
1. Kane v. Mankind (The Rock interferes, costing Kane his shot at the belt - Raw 1/11/99)
2. Int – The Rock, Kane and Vince & Shane McMahon (RAW 1/18/99)
3. Rock v. Kane (1/18/99)
4. Rock v. Mankind ("I Quit" match for the WWF Title) A great pre-match video montage leads into the brutal match. The Rock regains the in a very unique finish as Mankind cries out “I QUIT!” or does he? - Royal Rumble 1999)
5. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Vince McMahon are the last 2 men in the Royal Rumble, and Vince is getting the hell beaten out of him. The Rock comes out and helps Vince eliminate to win the Rumble! Royal Rumble 99
6. Rock interview on Home Shopping Network after Royal Rumble '99
7. Int – The Rock, Vince McMahon & The Corporation brag about The Rock regaining the WWF Title and Vince McMahon winning the Royal Rumble. They’re unpleasantly surprised though, to find out that it will be Stone Cold Steve Austin who will be wrestling the Rock at Wrestlemania 15! RAW 1/25/99
8. Int. The Rock. Vince had promised the Rock $100,000 for beating Mankind the previous night. However, Mankind attacks the armord car guards and takes the money! He then enters the arena and begins throwing the Money into the crowd!! Mankind then challenges the Rock to a match at halftime during the Superbowl Raw 1/25/99
9. Rock v. HHH (I Quit match. Chyna turna on HHH and joins the Corporation! RAW 1/25/99.)
10. Rock v. Mankind (Empty Arena Match for the WWF Title. Not exactly a scientific wrestling classic. More like an infomercial for the WWF as Vince is throwing out buzzwords like "Action Adventure" and "Soap Opera" in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience. The finish had to be one of the all time worst that I've ever seen, But the Rock's HILARIOUS one-liners throughout the match made it worth watching. - Halftime Heat)
11. WWF Superbowl Commercial"Get it?" Featuring The Rock
Disk 15
1. Int - Rock/Mankind. Another great exchange between the two, which sets up the Last Man Standing match at St. Valentine's Day Massacre - Raw 2/1/99
2. WWF “Get It?” Commercial. This is the alternate version that DIDN’T air on TVMankind trains with The Iron Sheik, Dominic Denucci & Bob Backlund for his upcoming
match against the Rock. The Rock manages to get in a
sneak attack though. Heat 2/14/99
3. Rock v. Mankind (Last Man Standing - WWF Title. To win, your apponent must be unable to answer a 10 count. Yet another great match between Rock and Mankind, with another screwjob finish, as both men were counted down. However, the Rock does do a HILARIOUS parody of Elvis' Heartbreak (Smackdown)
Hotel. St. Valentines Day Massacre)
4. Rock/Mankind interview, the final one where commissioner Shawn Michaels sets up a Ladder Match that night for the title - Raw 2/15/99
5. Mankind v. Rock (WWF Title - Ladder Match. Steve Austin does guest commentary. The final chapter in this great feud, as new corporate acquisition. Paul
Wight interferes and helps the Rock regain the title - Raw 2/15/99)
6. Rock interrupts a Paul Wight interview - RAW 2/22/99
7. Rock/Vince segment - RAW 2/22/99
8. The Rock vs Paul Wight (Mankind special ref) - RAW 2/22/99
9. The Rock vs Road Dogg (RAW 3/1/99)
10. Int – The Rock (Heat 3/7/99)
11. Another Rock T-shirt advertisement.
12. Rock/Paul Wight confrontation. Stone Cold Steve Austin runs in and attacks the Rock. (Heat 3/7/99)
13. Int – Rock/Vince/Austin/Wight/Mankind (RAW 3/8/99)
Disk 16
1. Rock commentates during Austin vs Mankind - RAW 3/8/99
2. Int – The Rock (Heat 3/14/99)
3. Rock/Paul Wight/Mankind/Austin confrontation. Heat 3/14/99
4. Rock/Vince/Wight interview - RAW 3/15/99
5. The Rock/Paul Wight vs Stone Cold/Mankind - RAW 3/15/99
6. Int – The Rock and the Corporation. The Rock has it out with the rest of the Corporation and gets into a shoving match with the Big Bossman (Heat 3/21/99)
7. Rock v. Big Bossman (Heat 3/21/99)
8. Rock interview/Austin interrupts (Beerbath!) - RAW 3/22/99
9. The Rock vs Mankind - RAW 3/22/99
10. Rock commentates the Stone Cold vs Big Show (Mankind special ref) /Austin brawl afterwards- RAW 3/22/99
11. Int – The Rock & The Corporation (Heat 3/28/99)
1. Int – The Rock (Heat 3/28/99)
Disk 17
1. The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF Title Match Wrestlemania 15)
2. Rock v. Billy Gunn (RAW 3/29/99)
3. Int – The Rock with the corporation. The Corporation attacks Steve Austin. RAW 3/29/99 Good Quality)
4. Int – The Rock, HHH, Big Show and Shane McMahon (RAW 4/4/99)
5. Rock & HHH v. The Big Show (RAW 4/4/99)
6. Int – Rock & Austin (RAW 4/12/99)
7. Rock & Austin brawl on a bridge. (RAW 4/12/99)
8. Int – The Rock (Austin drives his custom monster truck over the Rock’s car! Rock & Austin brawl afterward. RAW 4/19/99)
9. Rock v. Austin (Shane McMahon is the guest referee. GREAT MATCH! IYH 28 Backlash 4/25/99)
10. Int – The Rock backstage after the match. (Backlash 99)
Disk 18
1. Int – The Rock, who is none too pleased that he lost the match at Backlash due to Shane McMahon hitting him with his own title belt. Shane & The corporation comes out and attacks the Rock! Needless to say, this means an immediate babyface turn for the Rock who was already getting cheered like crazy when he was still a heel. RAW 4/26/99)
2. Rock v. Shane McMahon (RAW 4/26/99)
3. INT- The Rock/Steve Austin/Shane McMahon unveils the Corporate Ministry (SD 4/29/99)
4. Rock & Austin v. HHH & Undertaker (SD 4/29/99)
5. Rock v. Austin (Lumberjack match with the entire Corporate Ministry as the Lumberjacks. No match though as Ministry immediately storms the ring and attack both Rock & Austin. In the end, most of the WWF lockerroom gets involved in the brawl and Both the Rock & Austin wind up getting pushed off the stage! RAW 5/3/99)
6. Rock, Austin & Vince McMahon v. Undertaker, HHH and Shane McMahon (Shawn Michaels is the guest referee. RAW 5/10/99)
7. Rock v. Undertaker (Casket match. RAW 5/17/99)
8. Rock v. HHH (Over The Edge 99)
9. Rock v. Val Venis (Owen Hart tribute show. RAW 5/24/99)
10. Rock v. HHH (RAW 6/7/99)
11. Int – The Rock, The Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Vince & Shane McMahon (RAW 6/14/99)
12. Rock v. HHH v. Undertaker (RAW 6/14/99)
13. Rock v. Edge (RAW 6/21/99)
14. Undertaker v. HHH (The Rock & the Corporate Ministry come out. RAW 6/21/99)
15. Promo – Rock. Heat 6/27/99
Disk 19
1. Rock v. Undertaker (KOTR 6/27/99)
2. Post match interview with the Rock (KOTR 6/27/99)
3. Rock v. HHH (RAW 6/28/99)
4. Int – The Rock (RAW 7/5/99)
5. Rock v. HHH (Cage Match. RAW 7/5/99)
6. Rock, Xpac & Roaddog v. HHH, Billy Gunn & Chyna (RAW 7/12/99)
7. Int – The Rock (RAW 7/19/99)
8. Rock v. Billy Gunn (RAW 7/19/99)
9. HHH v. Undertaker (The Rock & Steve Austin come out. RAW 7/19/99)
10. Rock v. HHH (Strap Match. Fully Loaded 7/25/99)
11. Int – The Rock (RAW 7/26/99)
12. Rock v. Billy Gunn (RAW 7/26/99)
13. Int – Rock (RAW 8/2/99)
14. Int – The Rock/Chris Jericho. Great exchange between the two. RAW 8/9/99
15. Rock v. Big Show (RAW 8/9/99)
Disk 20
1. Int – The Rock (RAW 8/16/99)
2. Rock v. Billy Gunn (Summerslam 8/22/99)
3. Rock v. Gangrel (RAW 8/23/99)
4. Int – The Rock (RAW 8/23/99)
5. Int – Rock/HHH/Mick Foley/Shawn Michaels (SD 8/26/99)
6. Rock v. HHH (SD 8/26/99)
7. Rock Baseball Jersey commercial
8. Rock v. Big Show (RAW 8/30/99)
9. Int. Rock (Mankind offers his services to the Rock as the "People's Partner" to challenge Undertaker & Big Show for the Tag Titles. Pretty funny segment as the Rock gets upset as Mankind tries to steal all of the Rock's lines. Raw - 8/30/99)
10. Rock and Mankind talk backstage (Raw - 8/30/99)
11. Undertaker/Big Show vs. Rock/Mankind (During the match, the Undertaker walks off and leaves his partner in the ring, as the unlikey duo of Rock & Mankind actually puts the Big Show away with a DOUBLE PEOPLE'S ELBOW to win the tag t titles. Raw - 8/30/99)
12. Int. Mankind - Mankind loves the Rock, but the Rock makes it clear that they aren't friends (At least from the Rock's point of view) Shane comes out and orders the Rock to fight Mankind for the #1 contenders spot to HHH's title. - Smackdown - 9/2/99)
13. Rock vs. Mankind (Shane comes in after a ref bump and declares a Double DQ. Shane then orders Mankind and the Rock to fight again, but instead of the
Rock, LINDA & STEPHANIE MCMAHON come out and order a match between Rock & Mankind v. HHH & Shane! Smackdown - 9/2/99)
14. Rock/Mankind vs. HHH/Shane McMahon (Tag Titles - Smackdown - 9/2/99)
Disk 21
1. Rock/Mankind vs. HHH/Kane (Kane isn't too happy to have HHH replacing X-Pac as his partner, and refuses to tag him. HHH responds by hitting Kane with a sledgehammer. UT & the Show save Kane from a post match beating. Tag Titles - Raw - 9/6/99)
2. Int. Rock/Mankind (Raw - 9/6/99)
3. Rock/Mankind vs. Undertaker/Big Show (Buried Alive match. HHH attacks EVERYONE and buries Mankind to give UT & Big Show the Tag Title victory. An ambulance comes out to take Mankind away. HHH opens the door only to Get mauled by STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!, Smackdown - 9/9/99)
4. Int. Linda McMahon (Raw - 9/13/99)
5. Int. Rock/Mankind (Raw - 9/13/99)
6. Int. Undertaker/Big Show (Raw - 9/13/99)
7. Rock vs. Mankind vs. Undertaker vs. Big Show vs. Kane (The match quickly gets out of hand as every Referee in the building gets wiped out trying to restore order. Several wrestlers attempt to break it up and Each of the original 5 combatants take turns executing their finishers on them. Raw - 9/13/99)
8. Rock vs. Mankind vs. Undertaker vs. Big Show vs. Kane (Royal Rumble Rules - Smackdown - 9/16/99)
9. Int. Rock/Mankind (Raw - 9/20/99)
10. Rock & Mankind v. Undertaker & Big Show (Tag Titles - Darkside [NO DQ] Rules match. UT does ringside commentary as Viscera interferes liberally. Then to make matters worse, KANE appears. But who does he help? Here's a hint…Rock & Mankind regain the tag titles. Raw - 9/20/99)
11. Rock/Mankind, (now known as The Rock and Sock Connection) vs. The New Age Outlaws (The Outlaws reunite to regain the tag titles. NOTE: After a failed attempt to put Billy Gunn over as a legitimate singles wrestler, the WWF put Gunn back together with the Roaddog. - Smackdown - 9/23/99)
12. Rock vs. HHH (Daveyboy Smith is th e guest referee. Bullrope Match - Smackdown - 9/23/99)
13. Int. Rock (Mankind wants to discuss strategy for their matches tonight, but the Rock still doesn't want Anything to do with Mankind. You almost feel sorry for Mick as all he wants is for the Rock to be his friend, while the Rock only cares about himself. Heat - 9/26/99)
Disk 22
1 Video buildup to 6 pack match @ Unforgiven (Unforgiven 99 - 9/26/99)
2 Rock vs. Mankind vs. HHH vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Davey Boy Smith ("six-pack challenge "match for the WWF Title. Steve Austin does guest commentary, but gets involved as several referees [who were on strike] attack the ref that's working the match. Austin wipes out all the referees, and winds up officiating the match himself. Everyone gets off their finisher, including Mankind who applies the mandible claw on his OWN PARTNER, THE ROCK! - Unforgiven 99)
3 THIS IS YOUR LIFE, ROCK! (Mick attempts to apologize to the Rock for attacking him in the 6 pack Match by surprising the Rock with a "This is your life" segment. Mankind brings out people from the Rock's Past, he gives the Rock a custom made Rock & Sock Connection Jacket, and a "Mr. Rocko" sweat sock. It didn't go exactly as Mankind had hoped though. As usual, Rock wasn't very impressed. Raw - 9/27/99)
4 HHH vs. Rock (WWF Title - Raw - 9/27/99)
5 Int. Vince McMahon (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
6 Int. Mankind (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
7 HHH and Vince argue backstage (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
8 Int. Rock (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
9 Int. Davey Boy Smith (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
10 Rock and Mankind talk backstage (Smcakdown - 9/30/99)
11 Buh-Buh Ray Dudley is seen with Rock's jacket (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
12 Rock and Mankind talk backstage (Smackdown - 9/30/99)
13 Mankind vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley (Mankind recovers the Rock's Jacket, but Val Venis [who recently stole Mr. Rocko] comes down to ringside, attacks Mankind, and rips up the Jacket. Smackdown - 9/30/99)
14 HHH vs. Davey Boy Smith (WWF Title match. Rock is the guest referee, but spends most of the match at the commentators table. The only decent part of the match is the HILARIOUS ending. Afterward, HHH runs to the back looking for the Rock. Unfortunately, the Rock finds him first and starts beating him up. HHH escapes and goes to his own dressing room only to discover STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IS IN THERE! Austin finishes the can of
whoop @$$ that The Rock started. Smackdown - 9/30/99)
15 Rock v. HHH (Cage Match. Rebellion 10/2/99)
16 Rock and Mankind talk backstage (Mankind decides to break up the Rock & Sock Connection, but is the Rock even listening? Raw - 10/4/99)
17 Mankind gets make up put on (Raw - 10/4/99)
18 Int. Mankind (Rock yells at Mick some more. Mankind is still oblivious to the fact that the Rock doesn't care about him. Amazingly enough, the Rock's constant abuse should've gotten him MASSIVE heel heat, but the crowd still loves him. Rock continues to belittle Mankind and act embarrassed to be linked with him, while Mankind still considers the Rock to be his best friend and tries his hardest to make the Rock like him. it is possible, however, at this point to see just a little hurt in Mick's eyes at this point. Raw - 10/4/99)
19 Rock v. Chris Jericho (RAW 10/4/99)
20 Int. Mankind (Smackdown - 10/7/99)
21 Int. Rock (Smackdown - 10/7/99)
22 Mankind attacks Val Venis (Venis, HHH & The Bulldog DESTROY Mankind.Smackdown - 10/7/99)
23 Mankind (In Stretcher) talks to Rock (Smackdown - 10/7/99)
24 Rock vs. Val Venis (Mankind comes out and accidentally hits the Rock with a chair. Rock retaliates with a Rock Bottom on Mankind, and then yells at him some more after the match. How much more of this abuse can Mankind take?Smackdown - 10/7/99)
25 Int. Mankind (Mankind is FINALLY upset with the Rock over the abuse that he has continually taken. Raw - 10/11/99)
26 Int. Rock on phone (Rock promises some sort of confrontation with Mankind. Raw - 10/11/99)
27 Int. Davey Boy Smith (Raw - 10/11/99)
28 Val Venis/Davey Boy Smith attack Mankind (Raw - 10/11/99)
Disk 23
1 Int. Rock (Raw - 10/11/99)
2 Rock and Mankind talk backstage (Just as Rock is about to tell Mankind where he's going to put those Rock & Sock Connection Jackets, Vince McMahon demands that the Connection fight Val Venis & the British Bulldog. Raw - 10/11/99)
3 Rock & Mankind talk about their upcoming match. (Raw - 10/11/99)
4 Mankind is in a dogpen preparing some dog poop for the match tonight as per Rock’s instructions in the previous segment. (RAW 10/11/99)
5 Rock & Sock Connection vs. Davey Boy Smith/Val Venis (Bulldog gets dropped in a pile of Dog crap!! This was something of a tounge in cheek response to a crack that Bret Hart made about Daveyboy when when he re-signed with the WWF after Owen Hart's death. Bret's anger was mis-placed, as It was Owen himself who arranged for Daveyboy being re-hired with the WWF, before he died. Raw - 10/11/99)
6 The Rock & Sock Connection talks backstage (Rock agrees to tag with Mankind provided it's their LAST MATCH. Unfortunately for the Rock, he doesn't let Mankind tell him who their opponents are. Smackdown - 10/14/99)
7 Rock & Sock Connection vs. New Age Outlaws (What was supposed to be the Connection's last match turned into their regaining the Tag Titles from the Outlaws, thus GUARANTEEING that the Rock & Sock connection will be teaming up again in the future (much to the Rock's obvious dismay. Smackdown -10/14/99)
8 Mankind searches for Rock in order to give him a copy of his new book. Heat - 10/17/99)
9 Rock vs. Davey Boy Smith (No Mercy - 10/17/99) – redo;
10 Int. Rock (HHH comes out and attacks him. No Mercy - 10/17/99) Watch and edit the pause when HHH attacks him
11 End of HHH vs. Austin for The WWF Title (The Rock inadvertantly helps HHH retain the title. No Mercy - 10/17/99)
12 Int. Rock (Austin confronts the Rock about the events of the previous evening. Raw - 10/18/99)
13 Mankind looks for Rock (Raw - 10/18/99)
14 Rock & Sock Connection talks backstage (Mankind finally finds the Rock and gives him an autographed copy of his book. The Rock is still verbally abusing Mankind, but the ever lovable Foley keeps misinterpreting it as if the Rock is still his friend. Raw - 10/18/99)
15 Al Snow finds Rock's copy of Mankind's book in the trash (Raw - 10/18/99)
16 Mankind confronts Rock (Al Snow had told Mick about his book having been thrown out, and Mick finally has it out with the Rock. Mankind rips into the Rock for throwing out his life's work, but the real question is: Did the Rock really do it? Judging from the way that the Rock has always treated Mankind you'd think so. Either way, Mankind finally got it into his head that the Rock doesn't care about him and cuts off the Rock as partner & friend. Not a good situation because the Rock & Sock Connection are scheduled to defend the Tag totles in….)
17 Rock & Sock Connection vs. Hardcore & Crash Holly (Mankind comes out without his mask and spends the entire match on the ring apron while the Rock has to fight the Hollys single handedly. Needles to say, The Rock & Sock Connection lose the Tag Titles, at which point, Foley leaves the ringside area without a backward glance at his former partner. Raw - 10/18/99)
18 Int. Mankind (Mick explains again how hurt he was that the Rock threw his life's work in the garbage, and DEMANDS a match with the Rock for the #1 contender's spot. Smackdown - 10/21/99)
Disk 24
1 Rock vs. Mankind (Before the match, a video documents the events leading up to the Connection's breakup, making sure that footage of the Rock constantly abusing Mankind is shown. Val Venis does guest guest commentary, and you know what happens when a wrestler does "guest commentary" don't you? Smackdown - 10/21/99)
2 INT- The Rock (RAW 10/25/99)
3 Rock & Steve Austin v. New Age Outlaws (RAW 10/25/99)
4 DX attacks the Rock (SD 10/28/99)
5 Int – Rock/Austin/DX (SD 10/28/99)
6 Rock v. Roaddog (RAW 11/1/99)
7 Int – Rock/Jim Ross (SD 11/4/99)
8 Rock, Shane McMahon & Steve Austin v. D-Generation X (Survivor Series Rules – SD 11/4/99)
9 Int – Rock/Vince/Austin/HHH (RAW 11/8/99)
10 Rock v. XPac (RAW 11/8/99)
11 Int – Rock & Arnold Schwarzenegger (SD 11/11/99)
12 Rock, Kane, Test & Shane McMahon v. Degeneration X (Survivor Series rules – SD 11/11/99)
Disk 25
1 Int – Rock (Survivor Series 99)
2 Rock v. Big Show v. HHH (Survivor Series 11/14/99)
3 Int – Rock/Detectives (RAW 11/15/99)
4 Rock v. Big Bossman (Hardcore Rules – RAW 11/15/99)
5 Int – Rock (SD 11/18/99)
6 Rock v. Big Bossman (SD 11/18/99)
7 Int. Rock (The Rock tells Mankind that he never threw his book away. He also tells Al Snow what to do with that mannequin head. Raw - 11/22/99)
8 Rock& ??? vs. The Big Bossman/Prince Albert (The Rock was supposed to pick a partner for this match, but decided to go it alone. Needless to say, he eventually finds himself in trouble, but who should come out to the Rock's aid but MANKIND!! Even though from the back, Al Snow was loving watching the Rock get up, good ol' Mick forgives the Rock and runs out to help him. The Rock apparently forgave Foley as well, because he makes the hot tag and THE ROCK & SOCK CONNECTION IS RE-UNITED!! Raw - 11/22/99)
9 Mankind and Al Snow talk backstage (Al tells Mick how much he hates the Rock. Smackdown - 11/25/99)
10 Rock & Sock Connection vs. The Hollies (Pretty funny promo prior to the match, as the Rock describes the various types of "pies" At ringside. Rock also gives Michael Cole some advice on how to handle "Poontang" pie. Smackdown - 11/25/99)
11 Mankind and Al Snow talk backstage (More on how much Al hates the Rock. Raw - 11/29/99)
12 Rock & Sock Connection and Al Snow talk backstage (The Rock puts the bad mouth on Al Snow. At least he's not yelling at Mankind anymore. Raw - 11/2999)
13 Rock & Sock Connection/Kane vs. The New Age Outlaws/Xpac (Al Snow runs in to get the Rock DQd. Rock doesn't take it too well. Raw - 11/29/99)
14 Mankind and Al Snow talk backstage (Al goes ballistic! Smackdown - 12/2/99)
15 Mankind looks fo Rock (Al Snow is also looking, and attacks the Rock in the lockerroom. Smackdown - 12/2/99)
16 Rock vs. Al Snow (Smackdown - 12/2/99)
17 Int. Mankind (Al Snow reveals who REALLY threw that book in the trash. Raw - 12/6/99)
18 Rock & Sock Connection talks backstage (Raw - 12/6/99)
19 Mankind talks to Vince McMahon (Raw - 12/6/99)
20 Al Snow talks to his partner (Raw - 12/6/99)
21 Rock & Sock Connection vs. Al Snow/Chris Jericho (Raw - 12/6/99)
22 Footage of the Rock & Mankind welcoming the New England Patriots into the ring for a post-show celebration
23 Rock vs. Billy Gunn (Smackdown - 12/9/99)
Disk 26
1 New Age Outlaws vs. Rock & Sock Connection (Al Snow costs the connection a title win Armageddon - 12/12/99) Watch match to edit out freezes.
2 Rock & Sock Connection vs. The Dudley Boys (Another Al Snow run in. - Raw - 12/13/99)
3 Mankind vs. Al Snow (Falls Count Anywhere. Pretty good brawl. ESPECIALLY the part with the Bowling ball. The Rock finally gets Snow back for interfering in his and Mankind's matches. Smackdown - 12/16/99)
4 Big Show vs. Rock (WWF Title - Lumberjack Match. All the lumberjacks were heels. This was HHH and his new wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley's way of putting it to both the Rock and Big Show [who was a face, and the WWF champ at the time] . Mankind comes out and helps turn the tide after all the Lumberjacks attack the Rock and Big Show. Smackdown - 12/16/99)
5 Al Snow talks to HHH/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly (Al demands a match with the Rock. Raw - 12/20/99)
6 Rock vs. Al Snow (Bullrope match - Raw - 12/20/99)
7 Rock vs. Al Snow (Steel Cage Match - Smackdown - 12/23/99)
8 Int. DX (Mick comes out and gets attacked by DX. The Rock runs in to make the save, and HHH then orders the Rock & Mankind to fight in a "Pink Slip on a Pole match" The loser would get fired.Raw - 12/27/99)
9 Rock vs. Mankind (Pinkslip on a Pole Match. After Al Snow attacks the Rock, Mankind refuses to take the easy win and as a rusult, loses the match AND HIS JOB! MICK FOLEY IS FIRED! - Raw - 12/27/99)
10 Int. Rock (Smackdown - 12/30/99)
11 Mick Foley Moment (Pretty funny segment as Mick pulled triple duty as Dude Love interviewing Mankind. Together, they introduced CACTUS JACK!. Smackdown - 12/30/99)
12 Rock vs. Kane (No Holds Barred - Smackdown - 12/30/99)
13 Int. Rock (Rock addresses how he feels about getting Foley fired. The Rock actually DEFENDS Foley. Very unusual to hear the Rock defend anyone besides himself. Smackdown - 12/30/99)
Disk 27
1 Raw Video (Smackdown - 12/30/99)
2 Mick Foley Moment (Smackdown - 12/30/99)
3 Mick Foley Moment (Smackdown - 12/30/99)
4 Int. Rock (The Rock demands a match with HHH, but gets ordered to fight Xpac and the Outlaws in a Handicap "You're Fired" match. Raw - 1/3/00)
5 Degeneration X presents: Have a Bad Day Part 1 (If you listen closely, you'll hear HHH say "I can't do Anything with that Stasiak Kid" This was a play on Sean "Meat" Stasiak who had recently been fired for Audiotaping conversations with other wrestlers. Raw - 1/3/00)
6 Degeneration X presents: Have a Bad Day Part 2 (Raw - 1/3/00)
7 Degeneration X presents: Have a Bad Day Part 3 (Raw - 1/3/00)
8 Rock talks to Patterson and Brisco (Raw - 1/3/00)
9 DX talks in office (Raw - 1/3/00)
10 Rock vs. Xpac/Outlaws (No DQ Handicapped You're Fired match. Just when you thought the Rock was Going to be the next man fired during the McMahon-Helmsley era, who should emerge from the crowd, But MICK FOLEY HIMSELF! Chair shots abound, as Mick wipes out DX, allowing the Rock to get The win. Raw -1/3/00)
11 Rock v. Kurt Angle (SD 1/6/00)
12 Fake Mankind at Universal Studios Part 1 (Smackdown - 1/6/00)
13 Fake Mankind at Universal Studios Part 2 (Smackdown - 1/6/00)
14 Fake Mankind at Universal Studios Part 3 (Smackdown - 1/6/00)
15 Fake Mankind at Universal Studios Part 4 (All Right. I liked this one, but only because the fake Mankind Finally ran into THE REAL ONE! (and boy, was he mad!)Smackdown - 1/6/00)
16 Int. Rock (The Rock leads the entire WWF Roster to the ring and threatens a massive walkout unless HHH And Stephanie meet the Rock's demands. Among those demands is the re-instatement of Mick Foley, and a match later on between DX against The Acolytes and THE ROCK & SOCK CONNECTION! Raw - 1/10/00)
17 Mankind Tortures the Fake Mankind backstage (Raw - 1/10/00)
18 Mankind Tortures the Fake Mankind backstage (Raw - 1/10/00)
19 Mankind Tortures the Fake Mankind backstage (Raw - 1/10/00)
20 Mankind unties the Fake Mankind (Raw - 1/10/00)
21 Mankind talks to Tori (VERY FUNNY segment as Mankind virtually assures that the fake Mankind will Get the beating of his life!)
22 Kane gives the fake mankind the beating of his life. (I told you. Raw - 1/10/00)
23 Rock & Sock Connection/The Acolytes vs. HHH, X-Pac & the Outlaws (Lots of Dissention in the ranks of DX, as earlier in the Card The Outlaws were forced to fight each other, and HHH and X-Pac also had to fight each other. After the Rock & The Acolytes run the Outlaws and X-Pac back to the dressing rooms, we finally get HHH & Mankind in the ring alone. Mick loses the match, and finally SNAPS! He rips off his mask and is a BLOODY MESS! From there, we get hardcore as Foley DESTROYS HHH! If you watch closely, you'll catch Foley point his fingers and say "BANG BANG!!" Could this herald the long awaited return of the Hard Core Legend?
24 Int. HHH/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly (The Fake Mankind comes out and gets abused some more by HHH, but the REAL Mankind comes out and we, for the first time, see Mankind get MAD! Unfortunately for HHH, that means the return of CACTUS JACK! Smackdown - 1/13/00)
Disk 28
1 Rock & Bigshow are interviewed about their upcoming tag match against HHH. Big Show wasn't happy about teaming up with the Rock - Smackdown 1/13/00)
2 Rock & HHH v. Big Show & X-Pac (The Big Show abandons the Rock! He then chokeslams the Rock after the match. Smackdown 1/13/00)
3 DX attacks Cactus Jack. The Rock runs in to attempt the save, but the Big Show runs in and destroys the Rock. The Acolytes run in to join the fun. But the Show walks off, his work apparently done.(Raw 1/17/00)
4 Int. The Rock lays down some pretty funny verbal abuse on the Big Show. (Raw 1/17/00)
5 Cactus Jack gives some advice to both the Rock & The Big Show concerning their upcoming tag match tonight (Raw 1/17/00)
6 Rock & Big Show v. The New Age Outlaws (Rock & Show aren't exactly cooperating herre. Raw 1/17/00)
7 The Big Show rips on the crowd and cements his new heel turn. (Smackdown 1/20/00)
8 Int – Rock (SD 1/20/00)
9 Rock v. Big Show v. Kane (Royal Rumble style match - you win by throwing your opponents over the top rope - Smackdown 1/20/00)
10 Int – Rock ( Royal Rumble 2000)
11 The Rock in the Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble 2000 PPV)
12 Int – The Rock immediately after winning the 2000 Royal Rumble.
13 The Big Show is whining about losing the Royal Rumble, and tries to prove that the Rock didn't eliminate him at the Rumble. (Raw 1/24/00)
14 Int – Rock (RAW 1/24/00)
15 Rock & Rikishi v. Big Show & HHH (Raw 1/24/00)
Disk 29
1 Rock v. Rikishi (HHH & Big Show run in and destroy both men. Smackdown 1/27/00)
2 The Big Show climbs in the ring with the most rediculous haircut I've seen. The Rock appears on screen and cuts an absolutely HILARIOUS promo! (Raw - 1/31/00)
3 Rock v. Kurt Angle (The Rock becomes the first man in the WWF to pin Kurt Angle! Raw 1/31/00)
4 Int – The Rock (SD 2/3/00)
5 Rock v. Kurt Angle v. Tazz (Triple Threat match - Big Show runs out and attacks the Rock again. Smackdown 2/3/00)
6 The Rock gets some revenge later on in the program and actually ROCK BOTTOMS THE BIG SHOW! - Smackdown 2/3/00)
7 Int – Rock (RAW 2/7/00)
8 Rock, Cactus Jack, Too Cool & Rikishi v. HHH, Benoit, Malenko, Saturn & X-Pac(FANTASTIC MATCH! ONE OF THE BEST MATCHES IN THE HISTORY OF MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!! Raw 2/7/00)
9 Rock & Cactus Jack v. The New Age Outlaws (Smackdown 2/10/00)
10 Rock, Kane, Too Cool & Rikishi clear the ring of the heels (Raw 2/14/00)
11 Rock v. Chris Benoit (Despite having to hold a german suplex for a ridiculously long time, BENOIT PINS THE ROCK! The Big Show lent an assist though. Raw 2/14/00)
12 Rock runs in to attack HHH and the Big Show while they're attacking Kane. He doesn't last very long. (Raw 2/14/00)
13 Int – The Rock (SD 2/17/00)
14 Rock v. New Age Outlaws (Rather than team up with the Big Show, The Rock goes after the tag team champions in a handicap match. Big Show comes out, but along with the rest of Degeneration X, they destroy the Rock. Smackdown 2/17/00)
Disk 30
1 Rock cuts a pretty funny promo on HHH doing a very good imitation of him in the process. (Raw 2/21/00)
2 Rock, Kane & Cactus Jack talk before their match. (RAW 2/21/00)
3 Rock, Kane & Cactus Jack v. HHH, Xpac & The Big Show (Raw 2/21/00)
4 The Rock cuts an absolutely HILARIOUS promo on the Big Show (Smackdown 2/24/00)
5 Rock & Chris Jericho v. Kurt Angle & The Big Show (Smackdown 2/24/00)
6 Rock v. Big Show (No Way Out 2/27/00)
7 Int – The Rock (RAW 2/28/00)
8 Rock v. The Brooklyn Brawler (Raw 2/28/00)
9 Rock v. HHH & The Big Show (Raw 2/28/00)
10 The Rock arrives at the arena (Smackdown 3/3/00)
11 Int – The Rock (Smackdown 3/3/00)
12 Rock & Rikishi v. Big Show & HHH (Smackdown 3/3/00)
13 Video Recap of the Rock's quest for the World Title at Wrestlemania (Heat 3/5/00)
14 Rock runs in and attacks the Big Show. (RAW 3/6/00)
15 Int – Rock (RAW 3/6/00)
Disk 31
1. Rock v. Chris Benoit (Steel Cage Match - Raw 3/6/00)
2. Rock v. Benoit & Saturn (Smackdown 3/9/00)
3. Rock v. The Dudley Boys (Handicap table match - Smackdown 3/9/00)
4. Big Show, HHH & Shane McMahon destroy the Rock as he tries to save Rikishi from a 3 on 1 beating (Smackdown 3/9/00)
5. Int – The Rock (RAW 3/13/00)
6. Int – Rock & Kane (RAW 3/13/00)
7. Rock v. Big Show (If the Rock loses, he leaves the WWF forever! And to make matters worse, SHANE MCMAHON is the guest referee!But not for long as VINCE MCMAHON COMES OUT AND…..Well, I'll let you see for yourself. Raw 3/13/00)
8. Rock v. X-Pac (No finish as Kane comes out to attack X-Pac and HHH and the Big Show end up fighting each other! Smackdown 3/16/00)
9. Int – The Rock (RAW 3/20/00)
10. Clips from The Rock on Saturday Night Live
11. Rock v. Triple H v. Big Show (Raw 3/20/00)
12. Rock v. The Dudley Boys (Smackdown 3/23/00)
13. More clips of the Rock at Saturday Night Live including LOTS of backstage footage and interviews with the Rock and some of the other SNL cast members as well as Mick Foley, HHH and The Big Show who co-starred with the Rock on SNL
14. Rock runs in to save Vince McMahon from a beating by the Big Show, HHH & Shane McMahon
15. Clips of the Rock on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
16. Int – The Rock (Raw 3/27/00)
17. Rock & Vince McMahon talk backstage (Raw 3/27/00)
Disk 32
1. Music Video - "Know Your Role" by Method Man
2. The Rock & Vince McMahon v. Big Show & Shane McMahon (with Special Refs: Mick Foley & HHH -Raw 3/27/00)
3. Int – Rock & Mick Foley (RAW 3/27/00)
4. Rock v. Kurt Angle (Smackdown 3/30/00)
5. Several Interviews with the Rock at the Wrestlemania day festivities (Wrestlemania 16)
6. Rock v. HHH v. Big Show v. Mick Foley (For the first time in the history of Wrestlemania, the babyface doesn't walk away With the WWF Title! Wrestlemania 16)
7. Int - Rock
8. Rock v. Shane McMahon (Raw 4/3/00)
Disk 33
1. Int – Rock (SD 4/6/00)
2. Rock v. X-Pac & Roaddog (HHH is the guest referee - Smackdown 4/6/00)
3. The Rock on the Late Late Show
4. Int – The Rock
5. Rock v. Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan (Steel Cage Match - Raw 4/10/00)
6. Int – Rock (Smackdown 4/13/00)
7. Rock & The Acolytes v. HHH, Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan (Smackdown 4/13/00)
8. The Main Event for the upcoming Backlash PPV is finalized as HHH with Vince McMahon in his corner vs. The Rock with STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IN HIS CORNER! (Raw - 4/1700)
9. Int – Rock (Smackdown 4/20/00)
10. Rock v. Chris Jericho (Lumberjack match - Smackdown 4/20/00)
11. Discussion of whether the Rock can trust Steve Austin in his corner at Backlash. (Raw 4/24/00)
12. Rock & Chris Jericho v. HHH & Chris Benoit (Shane McMahon is the Guest Referee - Raw 4/24/00)
13. Several wrestlers and WWF personalities give candid comments about the Rock.
Disk 34
1. Rock vs. HHH (With Shane McMahon [not to mention Patterson & Brisco] as the guest referee, Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his triumphant return to the WWF an helps the Rock overcome some tremendous odds to win the WWF Title! GREAT MATCH!- Backlash 2000
2. Int – Rock (RAW 5/1/00)
3. Rock v. Shane McMahon (Steel Cage Match. Earl Hebner of all people helps the Rock retain the title as the ENTIRE McMahon/Helmsley faction interferes on Shane McMahon's behalf- Raw 5/1/00)
4. Int – Rock & Earl Hebner (SD 5/6/00)
5. Rock & Earl Hebner v. HHH, Roaddog & X-Pac (Smackdown 5/6/00)
6. Rock v. HHH v. Shane McMahon (WWF Insurrexion PPV)
7. HHH challenges the Rock to a 1hr Iron Man match at the next PPV. (Raw 5/10/00)
8. Rock v. Chris Benoit (non-title submission match. Benoit locks on the Crippler Crossface, and Vince McMahon in true 'Bret Hart Screwjob' fasion, orders the match stopped and the match given to Benoit. Raw 5/15/00)
9. Int - Rock
Disk 35
1. Rock v. The Dudley Boys (Handicap/Lumberjack/Tables match. 5/18/00)
2. Int – Rock & Shawn Michaels (Heat 5/20/00)
3. Rock v. HHH (FANTASTIC 1 HOUR ON MAN MATCH!!! I didn't like the screw job ending though.- WWF Judgment Day PPV)
4. The Rock DESTROYS Vince McMahon on the following night's RAW for his role in helping HHH win the WWF Title - Raw 5/22/00)
5. The Rock attacks and DECIMATES BOTH ROADDOG & XPAC as they arrive in the arena. Raw 5/22/00
6. The Rock finally makes it to the ring and attacks SHANE MCMAHON! Raw 5/22/00
7. The McMahons and DX get their revenge and lay the Rock out! But not for long as the returning UNDERTAKER IN HIS NEW AMERICAN BADASS PERSONA RETURNS! 'Taker cleans house on the heels and chases DX and McMahon to The back on his motorcycle. Unfortunately, he leaves the Rock to get his second wind and finish off HHH. Raw 5/22/00
8. Vince McMahon gives the Rock the night off. (Smackdown 5/25/00)
9. DX and Vince McMahon are putting a beating on the Undertaker, but the Rock (who didn't take the night off like McMahon expected) runs in to make the save. (Smackdown 5/25/00)
10. Int – Rock (RAW 5/29/00)
Disk 36
1. Int – The Rock/Undertaker & the McMahon Helmsley faction. (RAW 5/29/00)
2. Rock v. Undertaker (Lumberjack match with Vince picking all of the heels affiliated with the McMahon/Helmsley regime as the Lumberjacks. Needless to
say, it isn't long before everyone jumps in and attacks Rock & 'Taker- Raw 5/29/00)
3. Rock v. Edge & Christian (Smackdown 6/1/00)
4. Int – Rock/HHH & The McMahons (RAW 6/5/00)
5. Rock v. Kane v. Undertaker (RAW 6/5/00)
6. Rock v. HHH (The Rock gets his rematch for the WWF Title - Raw 6/5/00)
7. Int – Rock/ McMahon Helmsley faction. (Smackdown 6/8/00)
8. Rock, Undertaker & Kane v. HHH, RoadDogg & Xpac.(Smackdown 6/8/00)
9. Int – The Rock (RAW 6/12/00)
10. Rock v. Kane (Raw 6/12/00)
11. Int – Rock (Smackdown 6/15/00)
12. Rock v. Kurt Angle (Smackdown 6/15/00)
13. Int – The Rock (RAW 6/19/00)
14. Rock v. Test & Albert (Raw 6/19/00)
Disk 37
1. Int – Rock (SD 6/22/00)
2. Rock, Kane & Undertaker v. Vince, Shane & HHH (Smackdown 6/22/00)
3. Rock, Kane & Undertaker v. Vince, Shane & HHH (The Rock pins Vince McMahon, and based on the stipulations, WINS THE WWF TITLE! Good Match! The million dollar bump machine Shane takes a choke slam from the top rope through the announcer's table! King of the Ring 2000)
4. Int – Rock & Vince (RAW 6/26/00)
5. Rock v. HHH v. Kurt Angle (Raw 6/26/00)
6. Music Video "It Doesn't Matter" - Wyclef Jean & The Rock (Smackdown 6/29/00)
7. Very funny exchange between Mick Foley and the Rock, as Mick finally gets to use one of the Rock's own lines against him, actually making the Rock break character and laugh out loud! Raw 7/3/00)
8. Rock v. Shane McMahon (Raw 7/3/00)
9. Int – Rock (SD 7/6/00)
10. Rock, Eddie Guerrero & Chyna v. Chris Benoit, Edge & Christian (Smackdown 7/6/00)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 7/10/00)
12. Rock v. Chris Benoit (Raw 7/10/00)
13. Rock runs in to attack Chris Benoit (RAW 7/13/00)
Disk 38
1. Int – Rock. Chris Benoit runs in and attacks the Rock during the interview (SD 7/13/00)
2. Int – Rock & Mick Foley (RAW 7/17/00)
3. Rock & The Acolytes v. Benoit, Edge & Christian (Raw 7/17/00)
4. Rock finds Chris Benoit in the back after the match and attacks him (RAW 7/17/00)
5. The Rock attacks Chris Benoit in the ring. (SD 7/20/00)
6. The Rock signs an autograph in the lockerroom. Chris Benoit comes in and attacks him (SD 7/20/00)
7. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Benoit & HHH (VERY GOOD MATCH! Jericho slaps the Walls of Jericho on HHH while the The Rock slaps the Crippler Crossface on Benoit and refuses to let go! (Smackdown 7/20/00)
8. Int – Rock (Heat 7/23/00)
9. Int – Rock & Shane McMahon (7/23/00)
10. Rock v. Chris Benoit (GREAT MATCH!!! Benoit always manages brings out the best in his opponents, and this match was no different. The match stipulations were that in this match, the title could change hands on a DQ. And as a result of Shane Mcmahon quite cleverly getting the Rock disqualified, CHRIS BENOIT BECOMES THE NEW WWF CHAMPION!!!! ……Or does he? Fully Loaded PPV )
11. Int – Rock (RAW 7/24/00)
12. Rock & Kane v. Benoit & Angle (Raw 7/24/00)
13. Rock & Mick Foley talk in the back (RAW 7/24/00)
14. Rock v. Kurt Angle (Smackdown 7/27/00)
15. Channel 9 news spotlight on the Rock and a lot of other WWF wrestlers visiting with a child with Cerebral Palsy.
16. Rock & Lita v. HHH & Trish Stratus (Raw 7/31/00)
Disk 39
1. Int – Rock (Smackdown 8/30/00)
2. Rock & Kane v. Chris Benoit & The Big Show (Smackdown 8/3/00)
3. The Rock at the Republican National Convention
4. Int – Rock (RAW 8/7/00)
5. Rock v. Benoit (Raw 8/7/00)
6. Int – Rock (Smackdown 8/10/00)
7. Rock & Undertaker v. HHH & Kurt Angle (Smackdown 8/10/00)
8. Rock & The Dudley Boys v. HHH, Kurt Angle & Shane McMahon (Raw 8/14/00)
9. The Rock at the Democratic national Convention
10. Rock v. HHH (With Kurt Angle's help, HHH pins the Rock in a non-title match - Smackdown 8/17/00)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 8/21/00)
12. Lita v. Stephanie McMahon (The Rock is the special Guest Referee - Raw 8/21/00)
13. Int – Rock (Smackdown 8/24/00)
14. Rock & Lita v. Stephanie McMahon & Kurt Angle (Smackdown 8/24/00)
Disk 40
1. The Rock on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno
2. Rock v. HHH v. Kurt Angle (Summerslam 2000)
3. Int – Rock (RAW 8/28/00)
4. Rock v. Kane (Undertaker runs in to attack Kane. Raw 8/28/00)
5. The Rock returns the favor by running in to help the Undertaker, as he's being double teamed by Kane & Chris Benoit (Smackdown 8/31/00)
6. The Rock on Access Hollywood
7. Kane v. Chris Benoit (Rock does color commentary - Raw 9/4/00)
8. Rock & Undertaker v. Edge & Christian (Kane does color commentary - Raw 9/4/00)
9. Int – Rock/Edge & Christian (Smackdown 9/7/00)
10. The Rock attacks Edge & Christian (Smackdown 9/7/00)
11. Rock v. Kane v. Edge v. Christian (Smackdown 9/7/00)
12. Int – Rock/Mick Foley/Kane/Undertaker/Chris Benoit (RAW 9/11/00)
13. The Rock at the MTV Music Awards
14. Int – Rock & Undertaker (RAW 9/11/00)
15. Rock & Undertaker v. Benoit & Kane (Raw 9/11/00)
16. Int – Rock/ Undertaker & Mick Foley (Smackdown 9/14/00)
Disk 41
1. Int – The Rock (SD 9/14/00)
2. Rock & Undertaker v. The Dudley Boys (Tables match - Smackdown 9/14/00)
3. Int – The Rock/Foley/Undertaker/Kane/Chris Benoit (RAW 9/18/00)
4. Rock v. The Undertaker (Raw 9/18/00)
5. Int – The Rock/Kane/Foley/Angle/HHH/Jericho/Xpac/Stephanie McMahon (RAW 9/18/00)
6. Rock, Undertaker & HHH v. Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle & Kane (Smackdown 9/21/00)
7. Int – The Rock/Steve Austin (Unforgiven 2000)
8. Int – The Rock (Unforgiven 2000)
9. Rock v. Undertaker v. Kane v. Chris Benoit (Fatal 4 Way match - Unforgiven 2000)
10. Int – The Rock (RAW 9/25/00)
11. Rock v. Chris Benoit (Raw 9/25/00)
Disk 42
1. Int – The Rock (RAW 9/25/00)
2. Rock & HHH v. Benoit & Angle (Smackdown 9/28/00)
3. Int – Rock/Angle/Benoit/Kane/Rikishi/Foley (RAW 10/2/00)
4. Rock & Rikishi v. Kane & Benoit (Raw 10/2/00)
5. Rock v. Kane (Smackdown 10/5/00)
6. Rock & Rikishi v. Kane & Kurt Angle (Afterward, Mick Foley reveals that Rikishi was the one who
ran over Steve Austin several weeks ago with a car. Raw 10/9/00)
7. Int – Rock (SD 10/12/00)
8. Rock v. Val Venis (Smackdown 10/12/00)
9. Rock & The Hardy Boys v. Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian (Raw 10/16/00)
10. Int – Rock (SD 10/19/00)
11. Rock v. Angle v. Benoit v. HHH (4 corners match Smackdown 10/18/00)
Disk 43
1. Rock v. Kurt Angle (No Mercy 10/22/00)
2. Int – Rock/Rikishi (RAW 10/23/00)
3. Rock & HHH v. Kurt Angle (RAW 10/23/00)
4. Int – Rock/Chyna/Billy Gunn/Right To Censor (SD 10/26/00)
5. Rock, Billy Gunn, and Chyna v. The Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, and Val Venis(SD 10/26/00)
6. Int – Rock/Rikishi (RAW 10/30/00)
7. Int – Rock/Chris Jericho (RAW 10/30/00)
8. Rock v. Chris Jericho (RAW 10/30/00)
9. Int – Rock/Austin/Angle/Rikishi
Disk 44
1. Int – Rock (SD 11/2/00)
2. Rock v. Kurt Angle (SD 11/2/00)
3. Kurt Angle attacks the Rock in the dressing room (RAW 11/6/00)
4. Int – Rock/Austin (RAW 11/6/00)
5. The Rock is attacked again in the back of the arena (RAW 11/6/00)
6. Int – Rock (SD 11/9/00)
7. Int – Rock (SD 11/9/00)
8. Rock & Steve Austin v. HHH & Rikishi (SD 11/9/00)
9. Int – Rock (RAW 11/13/00)
10. Rock, Billy Gunn, and Chyna v. Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, and Eddie Guerrero (Even after the match is over, the violence continues, as Rock & Benoit brawl backstage. And then the Rock is attacked further by Rikishi! RAW 11/13/00)
11. Int – Rock (SD 11/16/00)
12. Rock v. Chris Benoit (SD 11/16/00)
13. Rock v. Rikishi (Survivor Series 11/19/00)
14. Int – Rock (RAW 11/20/00)
15. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Rikshi & Kane (RAW 11/20/00)
16. Int – Rock/William Regal (SD 11/23/00)
17. Rock v. William Regal (SD 11/23/00)
18. Rock v. Rikishi (RAW 11/27/00)
19. Rock attacks Kurt Angle (RAW 11/27/00)
Disk 45
1. Int – Rock/Austin/Foley/Undertaker/Angle (SD 11/30/00)
2. Rock & Undertaker v. Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle (SD 11/30/00)
3. Rock guest hosts Sunday Night Heat from WWF New York (Heat 12/3/00)
4. Int – The Rock (RAW 12/4/00)
5. Int – Rock/Vince McMahon (RAW 12/4/00)
6. Rock v. Kurt Angle v. Steve Austin v. Rikishi (Rebellion 12/2/00)
7. Rock v. Undertaker v. Kurt Angle v. Steve Austin (SD 11/7/00)
8. Int – Rock (Armageddon 12/10/00)
9. Rock v. Steve Austin v. Rikishi v. HHH v. Undertaker v. Kurt Angle (Hell in a Cell – Armageddon 12/10/00)
10. Int – Rock/Dudley Boys/Edge/Christian /Kurt Angle ( RAW 12/11/00)
11. Rock & The Dudley Boys v. Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle (Table match. RAW 12/11/00)
12. Int – Rock (SD 12/14/00)
13. Rock & Steve Austin v. Kurt Angle & William Regal (SD 12/14/00)
Disk 46
1. Rock & Undertaker v. Edge & Christian (Rock & 'Taker win the WWF Tag team titles! Raw 12/18/2000)
2. Int – Rock (SD 12/28/00)
3. Rock & Undertaker v. Rikishi, William Regal & Kane (Smackdown 12/28/00)
4. Rock v. Kane (Raw 1/1/01)
5. Int – Rock (SD 1/ 4/01)
6. Rock v. Kurt Angle (The Rock goes berserk and lays out 2 different referees while destroying Angle! Smackdown 1/4/01)
7. Int – Rock (RAW 1/8/01)
8. Rock and refereees Jack Doan & Teddy Long v . Kane & Rikishi (Yes, I said that 2 of the WWF referrees are teaming up with The Rock in a handicap match. Raw 1/8/01)
9. Rock & Microsoft founder Bill Gates talk about the new X Box.
10. Rock v. Undertaker v. Rikishi v. Kane (4 way match for the #30 position in the Royal Rumble. Smackdown 1/11/01)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 1/15/00)
12. Rock & Kane v. Undertaker & Rikishi (Raw 1/15/00)
13. Int – Rock (SD 1/18/01)
14. Rock, Undertaker & Steve Austin v. Kane, Rikishi & Kurt Angle (HHH is the guest referee. Smackdown 1/18/01)
Disk 47
1. Int –Rock (Royal Rumble 2001)
2. The Rock in the 2001 Royal Rumble
3. Int – Rock (RAW 1/22/01)
4. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit & Big Show (Raw 1/22/01)
5. Big Show v. Chris Jericho (The Rock is doing guest commentary. Smackdown 1/25/01)
6. Int – Rock/Kurt Angle (RAW 1/29/01)
7. Int – Rock (RAW 1/29/01)
8. Rock v. Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit v. Big Show (4 way #1 conteners match - Raw 1/29/01)
9. Int – Rock (SD 2/1/010)
10. Rock v. HHH v. Kurt Angle (Smackdown 2/1/01)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 2/5/01)
12. Int – Rock/HHH/Angle/Vince McMahon (RAW 2/5/01)
13. Int – Rock/Angle (RAW 2/5/01)
14. Rock & Kurt Angle v. Steve Austin & HHH (Raw 2/5/01)
15. Int – Rock (SD 2/8/01)
Disk 48
1. Int – Rock (SD 2/8/01)
2. Rock v. Big Show (Smackdown 2/8/01)
3. Int – Rock/Austin/HHH/Big Show/Rikishi (SD 2/8/01)
4. Rock w/Triple H in his corner vs. Rikishi w/Stone Cold Steve Austin in his corner (And since the combatants hate their cornermen , you can bet that this one was pretty interesting - Raw 2/12/01)
5. Int – Rock (SD 2/15/01)
6. Rock v. HHH (Smackdown 2/15/01)
7. Int – Rock (RAW 2/19/01)
8. Rock & Austin v. Angle & Benoit (Raw 2/19/01)
9. Rock, Undertaker & Kane v. Angle, Edge & Christian (Smackdown 2/22/01)
10. Rock v. Kurt Angle (The end of the match comes as Kurt Angle gets hit with a Rock Bottom AND FORGETS TO KICK OUT AT THE 2 COUNT! The Ref still stops the count at 2 and the crowd is noticably pissed. Rock hits a second Rock Rock Bottom for the 3 count AND THE WWF TITLE! - No Way Out PPV)
11. Int – Rock/Austin (RAW 2/26/01)
12. Int – Rock (RAW 2/26/01)
13. Rock v. Big Show v. Kurt Angle (Triple Threat Hardcore Title match - Raw 2/26/01)
14. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who will be fighting the Rock at Wrestlemania promises to protect the Rock and the WWF title. The Rock isn't exactly pleased with this statement (Raw 2/26/01)
Disk 49
1. Rock v. William Regal (Smackdown 3/1/01)
2. Rock/Austin/Kurt Angle & HHH brawl with each other in the ring (RAW 3/5/01)
3. Steve Austin's wife Debra is announced as THE ROCK'S NEW MANAGER! Neither the Rock nor Austin are thrilled at this new turn of events. (Raw 3/5/01)
4. Rock & Austin v. Angle & HHH (Raw 3/5/01)
5. Int – Rock (SD 3/8/01)
6. Rock v. Rikishi & Haku (Rikishi is about to give the stinkface to Debra, but Austin runs in to make the save. Smackdown 3/8/01)
7. Austin tells the Rock in no uncertain terms,that the Rock is in BIG trouble if Debra ever gets in trouble again while managing him. Raw 3/12/01
8. Rock v. Kurt Angle (Angle slaps the ankle lock on Debra after the match and Austin runs in and true to his word, STUNS THE ROCK!Raw 3/12/01)
9. Steve Austin v. Kurt Angle (joined in progress - The Rock interferes, and afterward AUSTIN STUNS THE ROCK AGAIN! Smackdown 3/15/01)
10. Int – Rock (RAW 3/19/01)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 3/19/01)
12. Rock & Chris Jericho v. William Regal & Chris Benoit (Regal, Benoit & Angle triple team the Rock after the match. Austin Runs in to make the save, and THE ROCK NAILS AUSTIN WITH A ROCK BOTTOM! Raw 3/19/01)
13. Jim Ross interviews the Rock (SD 3/22/01)
14. Jim Ross interviews both the Rock & Austin at the same time. Smackdown 3/22/01)
15. Rock v. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle (handicap match - THE ROCK HITS THE ROCKBOTTOM ON VINCE MCMAHON! Smackdown 3/22/01)
16. Int – Rock (RAW 3/25/01)
17. Rock & Steve Austin v. Undertaker & Kane (Rock & Austin win the match, but afterwards THE ROCK NAILS AUSTIN WITH THE STONE COLD STUNNER!!! Raw 3/25/01)
Disk 50
1. Int – Rock & Steven Regal (SD 3/28/01)
2. Rock & Austin have words in the ring and share and with a couple of "Steveweisers", share a toast to their main event at Wrestlemania. Needless to say, the actual verbage of their specific toasts leads to a HUGE brawl that takes all the refereesand the entire lockerroom to break up! (Smackdown 3/28/01)
3. Video footage of the events leading up to the Austin/Rock main event at wrestlemania (Wrestlemania 17)
4. Rock v. Steve Austin (in the shocker of the year, Stone Cold TURNS HEEL AND JOINS FORCES WITH VINCE MCMAHON! Austin nails the Rock with more than a DOZEN chair shots on his way to winning the WWF Title! (WM17)
5. An IRATE Rock comes out and slaps Vince McMahon in the SHARPHOOTER until Vince agrees to give the Rock a Rematch for the WWF Title. Raw 4/2/01
6. Int – The Rock (RAW 4/21/01)
7. Rock v. Austin (Steel Cage match - After some MASSIVE interference by McMahon and HHH, the Rock fails to regain the WWF title. - Raw 4/2/01)
8. On location at Universal Studios as several actors talk about the Rock as they film THE MUMMY RETURNS.
9. The Rock on Late Night with Jay Leno
10. The Rock on NBC's Dateline Sunday
11. The Rock at the 2001 MTV Movie Awards
12. Vince McMahon lifts the Rock's suspension and invites the Rock back to the WWF.
13. The Rock returns in spectactular fasion and clearly answers the question of whether he's joining the WCW/ECW Alliance or staying with the WWF. Raw 7/30/01
14. The Rock cuts his first promo since returning to the WWF, but is interrupted by WCW champion Booker T. What results is one of the funniest exchanges in recent memory! Smackdown 8/2/01)
15. The Rock runs in to attack Booker T, but Shane McMahon nails the Rock with a steel chair (SD 8/2/01)
16. Another funny exchange, but this time between The Rock & Kurt Angle. Raw 8/6/01
Disk 51
1. Int – The Rock (RAW 8/6/01)
2. Rock v. Shane McMahon (Raw 8/6/01)
3. Booker T challenges the Rock for a title match for Booker's WCW Title at Summerslam. The Rock of course accepts in the way that only the Rock can. (Smackdown 8/9/01)
4. Int – Rock/Booker T/Jericho/Rhyno (RAW 8/13/01)
5. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Rhyno & Booker T (Raw 8/13/01)
6. Rock v. Shawn Stasiak (Don't blink or you'll miss it. Smackdown 8/16/01)
7. Rock v. Booker T (No DQ “Lights out” match. SD 8/16/01)
8. Int – Rock/William Regal (Summerslam 2001)
9. Rock v. Booker T (THE ROCK WINS THE WCW TITLE! Summerslam 2001)
Disk 52
1. HILARIOUS Promo with the Rock & “Mini Booker T” (RAW 8/20/01)
2. Rock v. Lance Storm (RAW 8/20/01)
3. The Rock talks with the APA before their match tonight (SD 8/23/01)
4. Rock & The Acolytes v. Booker T, Rhyno & Test (SD 8/23/01)
5. Int – Rock (RAW 8/27/01)
6. Rock v. Rhyno (RAW 8/27/01)
7. Rock & Chris Jericho v. RVD & Rhyno (SD 8/30/01)
8. Rock v. Christian (RAW 9/3/01)
9. Int – Rock (SD 9/4/01)
10. Rock, Chris Jericho & The Acolytes v. Rhyno & The Dudley Boys (SD 9/4/01)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 9/10/01)
12. Rock v. Test & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley (Handicap match – RAW 9/10/01)
13. Int –The Rock talks about the 9/11 attacks which only occurred 2 days ago at the time the interview aired. (SD 9/13/01)
14. Rock v. Shawn Stasiak (SD 9/13/01)
15. Rock v. Test & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley (Handicap match – RAW 9/17/01)
Disk 53
1. Int- Rock (SD 9/20/01)
2. Rock & The Acolytes v. Booker T, Test & Rhyno (Elimination Match. SD 9/20/01)
3. Rock v. Booker T & Shane McMahon (Unforgiven 9/23/01)
4. Int – Rock (The Rock loses his place in the middle of his promo for a couple of seconds. But he recovers with a HILARIOUS rendition of “Happy Birthday” for Stephanie McMahon Helmsley! RAW 9/24/01)
5. Rock v. RVD (RAW 9/24/01)
6. Int – Rock & Kurt Angle (SD 9/27/01)
7. Rock & Kurt Angle v. the Dudley Boyz (SD 9/27/01)
8. Int – Rock/Kurt Angle/Dudley Boys/Shane McMahon (RAW 10/1/01)
9. Rock v. The Dudleys (Handicap Tables match – RAW 10/1/01)
10. Int – Rock & Kurt Angle (SD 10/4/01)
11. Rock, Chris Jericho & Referee Mike Chioda v. The Dudley Boys & Referee Nick P atrick (SD 10/4/01)
Disk 54
1. Rock & Chris Jericho v. RVD & Shane McMahon (RAW 10/8/01)
2. Int – Rock & Chris Jericho (RAW 10/8/01)
3. Int – Rock & Chris Jericho (RAW 10/15/01)
4. Rock v. RVD (RAW 10/15/01)
5. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Raven & Justin Credible (SD 10/18/01)
6. Rock v. Chris Jericho (No Mercy 10/21/01)
7. Int – Rock (RAW 10/22/01)
8. Rock & Chris Jericho v. The Dudley Boys (RAW 10/22/01)
9. Int – Rock/Vince McMahon/Chris Jericho (SD 10/25/01)
10. Rock v. RVD (SD 10/25/01)
11. Int – The WWF and Alliance factions (RAW 10/29/01)
12. Team WWF talks backstage (RAW 10/29/01)
Disk 55
1. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Test & Booker T (RAW 10/29/01)
2. Int – Rock (RAW 10/29/01)
3. Int – Rock (RAW 10/29/01)
4. Austin attacks The Rock and turns heel, joining the Alliance (RAW 10/29/01)
5. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Booker T & Test (SD 11/1/01)
6. Int – Rock (SD 11/1/01)
7. Int – Rock (SD 11/1/01)
8. Int – Rock (Rebellion 11/3/01)
9. Rock v. Austin (Rebellion 11/3/01)
10. Int – Rock (RAW 11/5/01)
11. Int – Rock (RAW 11/5/01)
12. Rock v. Chris Jericho (RAW 11/5/01)
13. Int – Rock (SD 11/8/01)
14. Rock v. Booker T (SD 11/8/01)
15. Int – Rock (RAW 11/12/01)
16. Int – Rock (RAW 11/12/01)
Disk 56
1. Rock v. William Regal (RAW 11/12/01)
2. Rock & Steve Austin SING A DUET TOGETHER! (RAW 11/12/01)
3. Int – Rock/Vince McMahon (RAW 11/12/01)
4. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Kurt Angle & Steve Austin (SD 11/15/01)
5. Rock, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Big Show & Kane v. Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon, Booker T & Rob Van Dam (Survivor Series 11/18/01)
Disk 57
1. Int – Rock/Kurt Angle (RAW 11/19/01)
2. Rock v. Kurt Angle (RAW 11/19/01)
3. Rock & RVD v. Chris Jericho & The Dudley Boys (SD 11/22/01)
4. Int – Rock & Chris Jericho (RAW 11/26/01)
5. Rock & Kane v. Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle (RAW 11/26/01)
6. Rock saves Trish Stratus from joining Vince McMahon’s “Kiss My A$$ Club” (SD 11/29/01)
7. Int – Rock, Vince McMahon, Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho (RAW 12/3/01)
8. Rock & Trish Stratus v. Kurt Angle & Vince McMahon (If Vince’s team loses, then VINCE has to kiss THE ROCK’S ass next week! RAW 12/3/01)
9. Int – Rock/Vince McMahon (McMahon tries to get out of having to kiss the Rock’s ass, but things don’t quite work out. Well, the good news, is that Vince doesn’t have to kiss the Rock’s ass. The bad news, is that he has to kiss RIKISHI’S ASS! SD 12/6/01)
Disk 58
1. Rock & Steve Austin v. Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle (SD 12/6/01)
2. Int – The Rock (Vengeance 12/9/010)
3. Rock v. Chris Jericho (Vengeance 12/9/01)
4. Rock & Trish Stratus v. The Dudley Boys (Test comes out during the match, and brawls with the Rock. RAW 12/10/01)
5. The Rock gets some revenge on Test (SD 12/13/010)
6. Rock & RVD v. Chris Jericho & Undertaker (SD 12/13/01)
7. Rock v. Lance Storm (RAW 12//17/01)
8. Int – The Rock (SD 12/20/01)
9. Rock v. Test (SD 12/20/01)
10. Int – Rock & Kurt Angle (RAW 12/24/01)
11. Rock v. Chris Jericho v. Kurt Angle (RAW 12/24/01)
Disk 59
1. Rock & RVD v. Kurt Angle & Lance Storm (SD 12/27/01)
2. Int – Rock (SD 1/3/02)
3. Rock v. Booker T (SD 1/3/02)
4. Rock & Steve Austin v. Big Bossman & Booker T (RAW 1/7/02)
5. Rock & RVD v.Chris Jericho & Test (SD 1/10/02)
6. Rock v. Chris Jericho (Royal Rumble 1/20/02)
7. Rock & HHH brawl with Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho (RAW 1/21/02)
8. Rock & HHH v. Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle (RAW 1/21/02)
9. Rock v. Kurt Angle (SD 1/24/02)
10. Int – The Rock (RAW 1/28/02)
Disk 60
1. Int – Rock (SD 1/31/02)
2. Rock & HHH v. Undertaker & Kurt Angle (SD 1/31/02)
3. Rock & Steve Austin v. Chris Jericho & Undertaker (RAW 2/4/02)
4. Int – Rock (No Way Out 2/17/02)
5. Rock v. The Undertaker (No Way Out 2/17/02)
6. NWO meets the Rock (No Way Out 2/17/02)
7. The NWO attacks the Rock (RAW 2/18/02)
8. Hogan talks to a cardborard Rock (RAW 2/25/02)
9. Scott Hall challenges the Rock (SD 3/7/02)
10. Rock v. Scott Hall (SD 3/7/02)
Disk 61
1. Rock & Steve Austin v. Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash (Hogan scores a clean pin on the Rock with his patented Big Boot/Legdrop finisher. (RAW3/11/02)
2. Rock/Hogan confrontation (SD 3/14/02)
3. Rock v. Hulk Hogan (FANTASTIC MATCH! IT BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN!!! Wrestlemania X8 3//17/02)
4. Rock & Hulk Hogan v. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall (RAW 3/18/02)
5. Int - Hall & Nash talk about the Rock (SD 3/21/02)
6. Rock v. Kevin Nash (SD 3/21/02)
7. Rock & Hulk Hogan v. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & X-Pac (RAW 3/25/02)
8. Int – Rock/Hogan/Kane (RAW 3/28/02)
9. Rock, Kane & Hulk Hogan v. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & X-Pac (SD 3/28/02)
10. Int – Rock/Angle/Jericho (SD 4/4/02)
11. Rock v. Chris Jericho (SD 4/4/02)
12. The Rock makes his return (RAW 6/17/02)
Disk 62
1. Int – Rock/Angle/Jericho (SD 4/4/02)
2. Rock v. Chris Jericho (SD 4/4/02)
3. The Rock makes his return (RAW 6/17/02)
4. Int – Rock & Eric Bischoff (SD 7/18/02)
5. Rock v. Kurt Angle (SD 7/18/02)
6. Rock v. Kurt Angle v. Undertaker (Vengeance 2002)
7. Int – Rock/Eddie Guerrero (RAW 7/22/02)
8. Rock v. Eddie Guerrero (Brock Lesnar comes out after the match and confronts the Rock. RAW 7/22/02)
9. Rock & Hulk Hogan v. Lance Storm & Christian (Just as it looks like Hogan & Rock are about to win the Tag Titles,
Brock Lesnar runs in and attacks Hogan. SD 7/25/02)
Disk 63
1. Int – The Rock (RAW 7/29/02)
2. Rock v. Ric Flair (RAW 7/29/02)
3. Rock & Edge v. Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero (SD 8/1/02)
4. Rock v. Brock Lesnar v. HHH (Global Warning 8/10/02)
5. HHH & Brock Lesnar attack the Rock (RAW 8/12/02)
6. Int – Rock/Eric Bischoff (RAW 8/12/02)
7. Rock, Booker T, Goldust & Undertaker v. HHH, Test, Lance Storm & Christian (RAW 8/12/02)
8. Int – Rock (SD 8/15/02)
9. Rock v. Chris Benoit (SD 8/15/02)
10. Int – Rock (RAW 8/19/88)
11. Rock v. HHH (RAW 8/19/02)
12. Rock & Edge v. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit (SD 8/22/02)
13. Brock Lesnar v. The Rock (GREAT MATCH, as Brock beats the Rock for the Undisputed title. Despite
Being the heel here, Brock was over HUGE with the notoriously heel friendly New York audience.)
Disk 64
1. Rock & Edge v. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit (SD 8/22/02)
2. Brock Lesnar v. The Rock (GREAT MATCH, as Brock beats the Rock for the Undisputed title. Despite
Being the heel here, Brock was over HUGE with the notoriously heel friendly New York audience.)
3. Rock accepts (via satellite) an award on RAW’s 10th Anniversary show. (RAW 1/14/03)
4. Rock interrupts Hulk Hogan during a promo. And talks about their upcoming match at No Way Out (SD 2/6/03)
5. Video – Rock/Hulk Hogan (SD 2/20/03)
6. Promo – Rock (SD 2/20/03)
7. Confrontation – Rock & Hulk Hogan (SD 2/20/03)
8. Rock v. Hulk Hogan (No Way Out – 2/23/03)
9. Promo- Rock (RAW 2/24/03)
Disk 65
1. Promo – The Rock (RAW 2/24/03)
2. Confrontation – Rock & The Hurricane (RAW 2/24/03)
3. Battle Royal (RAW 2/24/03)
4. Another funny confrontation between the Rock & The Hurricane (RAW 3/3/03)
5. The Rock demands to see Eric Bischoff (RAW 3/3/03)
6. The Rock talks to Eric Bischoff about Steve Austin (RAW 3/3/03)
7. Confrontation – Rock &”Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Is the Rock a little reluctant to go toe to toe with “The Rattlesnake?” (RAW 3/3/03)
6. The Rock talks to Eric Bischoff (RAW 3/10/03)
7. The Rock confronts Steve Austin (RAW 3/10/03)
8. The Rock talks to Eric Bischoff (RAW 3/10/03)
9. The Rock plays the guitar in the locker room for the fans. Pretty funny as usual. He’s interrupted by the Hurricane, who has finally
gotten a match with the Rock. (RAW 3/10/03)
10. The Rock confronts Steve Austin (RAW 3/10/03)
11. Rock v. Hurricane (With a little help from Steve Austin, The Hurricane scores an upset pinfall victory over the Rock! RAW 3/10/03)
12. The Rock talks with Theodore R. Long about the Hurricane (RAW 3/17/03)
13. Hurricane v. Rodney Mack (The Rock gets some revenge on the Hurricane for beating him last week (RAW 3/17/03)
14. Rock talks to Bischoff in the back room before Bischoff’s match against Steve Austin (RAW 3/17/03)
15. Steve Austin v. Eric Bischoff (In Progress. The Rock runs in AND GIVES AUSTIN THE STONE COLD STUNNER! 3/17/03)
16. Int – The Rock (Wrestlemania 19)
The Rock v. Steve Austin (In what may be Austin’s final WWE match, The
Rock FINALLY gets a clean pinfall over Austin in a singles match. This
seems to have been Austin’s penance for walking out of the WWE last year.
Austin not only lost cleanly to the Rock, but had to sell
his defeat even as the Rock celebrated outside of the ring afterward. This was
probably their best match of their entire feud. The
crowd was heavily into it, and didn’t seem to care who was the face and who was
the heel. Both men were respected and cheered
throughout. Wrestlemania 19)
Disk 66
1. Rock Appreciation Night - Rock cuts a nice long promo with a good deal of video footage of “The Great One”. The segment is most notable however as the first WWE appearance of BILL GOLDBERG! Goldberg interrupts Rock Appreciation Night to tell the Rock that “YOU’RE NEXT!” before spearing the Rock and leaving the ring to a thunderous ovation! RAW 3/31/03)
2. Rock talks with Eric Bischoff (RAW 4/7/03)
3. Rock talks with Jeff Hardy (RAW 4/7/03)
4. Int – Rock (RAW 4/7/03)
5. Rock talks with Christian (RAW 4/7/03)
6. Rock v. Jeff Hardy (Afterward, the Rock calls out Goldberg and opts not to face him at the upcoming Backlash. Goldberg gomes out and runs the Rock off. RAW 4/7/03)
7. Int – Rock (RAW 4/14/03)
8. The Rock arrives at the arena (RAW 4/21/03)
9. The Rock in concert! The Rock also brings out none other than GILLBERG. Pretty funny until GOLDBERG shows up to ruin the Rock’s night. (RAW 4/21/03)
10. Rock v. Goldberg (Backlash 4/27/03)
Disk 67
1. The Rock arrives at the arena (RAW 6/2/03)
2. Highlight Reel – The Rock makies a surprise return to the WWE as a babyface. (RAW 6/2/03)
3. Footage of the Rock on the set of the movie The Rundown (WWE Confidential)
4. The Rock makes a surprise appearance to surprise Mike Foley with a RockNSock Connection reunion! (RAW 12/8/03)
5. Int – Rock, who also has a few words with Hurricane & Rosey. (RAW 3/8/04)
6. The Rock hosts "Mick Foley: This is your Life" but he and Mick got beat up by Evolution afterwards! (RAW March 8, 2004)
7. Video documentary on The Rock & Steve Austin as they prepared for and wrestled in their final match against each other at Wrestlemania 19 Includes several candid interviews with both wrestlers after the match. (Smackdown 3/11/04)
Disk 68
1. Video documentary on the history of the Rock & Sock Connection (WWE Confidential)
2. Rock & Sock Connection v. Evolution [Randy Orton/Batista/Ric Flair] (March 14, 2004 - Wrestlemania XX)
3. Int – The Rock discusses his latest movie, “Walking Tall”
4. The Rock on the Howard Stern show
Disk 69
1. The Rock makes a surprise appearance to give Eugene some much needed encouragement. (RAW 5/17/04)
2. The Rock makes a surprise appearance and gets into a confrontation with Randy Orton (RAW 6/21/04)
3. The Rock makes a surprise appearance on RAW hosting a DivaSearch Pie Eating contest (The Rock gets into a scuffle with The Coach & La Resistance with Tajiri & Rhyno coming to help the Rock out (RAW 8/23/04)
4. March 12, 2007 - RAW: The Rock cut a promo on the Titantron about the Battle of the Billionaires match at WrestleMania..
Best of the Rock in USWA
Flex Kavana vs. Kip Morris – probably the Rock’s 3rd or 4th match
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. USWA Tag Champs Punisher & Tony Falk
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. Yellow Jacket & Charlie Ladd
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer promo
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. Tony Falk & Edgar Hines
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer vs. Reggie B. Fine & Brickhouse Brown
Flex Kavana, Bart Sawyer & the Moondogs vs. Reggie B. Fine, Brickhouse Brown, the Punisher & the Convict
Flex Kavana, Bart Sawyer & Doug Gilbert vs. Charlie Laird, Keith Roberson & Ashley Hudson
Flex Kavana & Bart Sawyer promo `
Flex Kavana, Bart Sawyer & Koko B. Ware vs. Reggie B. Fine, Bart Sawyer & Leon Downs
Flex Kavana cuts a promo on Jerry Lawler
Flex Kavana vs. Jerry Lawler - if Flex loses he must leave Memphis.
Rocky Maivia vs. Salvatore Sincere –
Rocky Maivia appears on WWF Live Wire with Jim Ross & Vic Venom (Vince Russo)
Rocky Maivia vs. Fake Razor Ramon (Rick Bogner) - Shotgun Saturday Night.
Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hurst Helmsley - Shotgun Saturday Night
Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hurst Helmsley - RAW
Bret Hart promo
Rocky Maivia vs. Leif Cassidy (Al Snow)
Rocky Maivia vs. Bret Hart
Rocky Maivia vs. Owen Hart
Rocky Maivia vs. Farooq (Ron Simmons)
The Rock cuts a promo with the Nation of Domination and is attacked by Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The Rock vs. Vader – More Austin wackiness
The Corporation promo – Vince introduces the Rock as the Corporate Champion
The Rock vs. Steve Austin
By secondcoming
Disc 1
Owen Hart vs. Farooq (Austin does guest commentary IYH Badd Blood 10/5/97)
Steve Austin/Faarooq Interview 10/6/97
Austin/Farooq/Rocky confrontation 10/13/97
Bret Hart vs. Farooq 10/20/97
Int – Rocky Maivia & Steve Austin 11/10/97
Int – “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (Rock steals the IC belt) 11/17/97
The Rock vs. Dude Love (11/17/97)
The Rock (gets beeped 3:16) 11/24/97
The Rock vs. Vader 12/1/97
The Rock vs. Steve Austin (IYH 19 – 12/6/97)
Austin/McMahon Interview 12/8/97
Rock Interview 12/8/97
Steve Austin forfeits the IC Title to Rocky Maivia. 12/8/97
Austin/Rock Interview 12/15/97
Video – Nation of Domination & Steve Austin (RAW 12/15/97)
Austin/Rock Interview (Austin tosses the IC belt in the river) 12/15/97
Disc 2
Austin promo 1/5/98
Ken Shamrock vs. Faarooq 1/5/98
Austin Interview 1/12/97
Royal Rumble Lottery 1/12/98
Royal Rumble 1/18/98
Rock vs. Steve Austin 3/23/98
Rock/Dlo vs. Austin/McMahon 5/11/98
Rock/Owen/Taker/Mankind/Austin brawl 8/3/98
Rock/Owen vs. Austin/Undertaker 8/3/98
The Rock/Owen Hart v. New Age Outlaws v. Kane/Mankind v. Steve Austin/Undertaker
(4-Corners match - RAW 8/10/98)
Disc 3
The Rock Interview 10/12/98
The Rock/Steve Austin vs. Undertaker/Kane 10/12/98
The Rock vs. Mankind Survivor Series 98
Corporation/Austin Interview 11/16/98
The Rock vs. Steve Austin 11/16/98
Austin Interview 12/7/98
Rock/Undertaker vs. Austin/Mankind 12/7/98
Rock vs. Mankind 1/4/99
Disc 4
Royal Rumble 99
Int – The Rock 1/25/99
Steve Austin/Mankind/Rock/Vince Interview 2/8/99
Disc 5
The Rock vs. Mankind (ladder) 2/15/99
The Rock Interview 3/7/99
Rock/Paul Wight confrontation heat 3/7/99
Int – Rock/Vince/Austin/Wight/Mankind (RAW 3/8/99)
Austin vs Mankind - RAW 3/8/99
Rock/Paul Wight/Mankind/Austin confrontation. Heat 3/14/99
Rock/Vince/Wight Interview 3/15/99
The Rock and Paul Wight vs. Steve Austin and Mankind 3/15/99
Rock interview/Austin interrupts (Beerbath!) - RAW 3/22/99
Stone Cold vs Big Show RAW 3/22/99
Disc 6
The Rock & The Corporation Heat 3/28/99
The Rock Heat 3/28/99
The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF Title Match Wrestlemania 15)
Austin/Vince Interview 3/29/99
Int – The Rock with the corporation. 3/29/99
Corporation Interview 4/5/99
Rock/HHH vs. Big Show 4/5/99
Rock & Austin brawl on a bridge. (RAW 4/12/99)
The Rock has a Funeral for Austin RAW 4/19/99
Rock v. Austin (IYH 28 Backlash 4/25/99)
Post match Interviews (Backlash 99)
Disc 7
Rock Interview 4/26/99
Austin Interview 4/26/99
INT- The Rock/Steve Austin/Shane McMahon unveils the Corporate Ministry (SD
Rock & Austin vs. HHH & Undertaker (SD 4/29/99)
Rock v. Austin Lumberjack (RAW 5/3/99)
Rock/Austin/Vince vs. Taker/HHH/Shane (Shawn Michaels is the guest referee.
HHH v. Undertaker (The Rock & Steve Austin come out. RAW 7/19/99)
Rock/Mankind vs. Undertaker/Big Show - Buried Alive match. SD - 9/9/99
Austin Interview 9/20/99
Main Event Promo Unforgiven 99
Rock vs. Mankind vs. HHH vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Davey Boy Smith ("six-pack
challenge "Unforgiven 99
Disc 8
Rock vs. HHH 9/27/99
Rock Interview No Mercy 99
HHH vs. Austin for The WWF Title (The Rock inadvertantly helps HHH retain the
title. No Mercy - 10/17/99)
Int. Rock (Austin confronts the Rock about the events of the previous evening.
Raw - 10/18/99)
Rock n Sock vs. The Hollys 10/18/99
Rock Interview 10/25/99
Austin Interview 10/25/99
Rock & Steve Austin v. New Age Outlaws (RAW 10/25/99)
Rock/Austin/DX Interview (SD 10/28/99)
The Rock Interview 11/1/99
The Rock vs. Road Dogg 11/1/99
Steve Austin vs. Billy Gunn 11/1/99
Disc 9
HHH vs. Shane McMahon 11/1/99
Rock/Vince/Austin/HHH Interview (RAW 11/8/99)
Rock vs. X-Pac 11.8/99
Rock, Shane McMahon & Steve Austin v. D-Generation X (Survivor Series Rules – SD
Austin gets run down by car - Survivor Series 00
Austin Interview 1/30/00
The Main Event for the upcoming Backlash PPV is finalized! (Raw - 4/17/00)
Discussion of whether the Rock can trust Steve Austin in his corner at Backlash.
(Raw 4/24/00)
Rock Interview 4/24/00
Rock vs. HHH Backlash 00
Disc 10
Rock Interview 5/1/00
Austin Interrogates Unforgiven 9/24/00
Austin Returns to Raw 9/25/00
Foley?HBK Inrerview 10/9/00
Rikishi Phatu and The Rock vs. Kane and Kurt Angle 10/9/00
Rock Interview (sd 10/12/00)
Rcok Interview 10/19/00
Austin vs. Rakishi NO MERCY 10/22/00
Rock/Rikishi Interview 10/23/00
Austin/Rakishi hilights from last Thursday 10/30/00
Rock/Rakishi & Austin Interviews 10/30/00
Austin vs. Rakishi (cage) 10/30/00
The Rock vs. Jericho 10/30/00
Disc 11
Rock/Austin/Angle/Rikishi Interview 11/2/00
The Rock vs. Kurt Angle 11/2/00
Smackdown Recap 11/6/00
Vince/Austin/Angle Interview 11/6/00
Foley/Austin Interview 11/6/00
Rock/Austin Interview (RAW 11/6/00)
Austin/Rock vs. Angle/Rakishi 11/6/00
Rock Interview (SD 11/9/00)
Rock & Steve Austin v. HHH & Rikishi (SD 11/9/00)
Rock/Austin/Gunn/Chyna vs. Radicalz 11/13/00
Rock/Rakishi Promo Survivor Series
Rock vs. Rakishi Survivor Series 11/19/00
Austin vs. HHH Survivor Series 11/19/00
Disc 12
Rock/Austin/Foley/Undertaker/Angle (SD 11/30/00)
Rock vs. Angle vs. Austin vs. Rikishi Rebellion 12/2/00
Rock Interview 12/4/00
Vince/Rock/Austin Ints. 12/4/00
Rock/Austin/Taker/Vince/Foley Interview 12/4/00
Rock vs. Taker vs. Angle vs. Austin 12/7/00
The Road To Hell - Armageddon 00
Austin Interview - Armageddon 00
Rock Interview - Armageddon 00
Rock v. Steve Austin v. Rikishi v. HHH v. Undertaker v. Kurt Angle (Hell in a
Cell – Armageddon 12/10/00)
Disk 13
1. Rock/Austin v. Angle/Regal (12/14/00)
2. Austin/McMahon/Rock interviews (1/8/01)
3. Rock/Undertaker/Austin v. Kane/Rikishi/Angle (1/18/01)
4. 2001 Royal Rumble
5. Rock interview 1/22/01
6. Rock/Angle/HHH interview (2/5/01)
7. Rock/Angle v. Austin/HHH (2/5/01)
Disk 14
1. Rock/Austin/HHH/Big Show/Rikishi (2/12/01)
2. Rock v. Rikishi (2/12/01)
3. Rock v. HHH (2/15/01
4. Rock/Austin v. Angle/Benoit (2/19/01)
5. Rock/Austin int (2/26/01)
6. Rock v. Big Show v. Angle (2/26/01)
7. Rock/Austin “My Way” [short version] 3/5/01
8. The Rock’s new manager (3/5/01)
9. Rock/Austin v. Angle/HHH (3/5/01)
10. Rock v. Rikishi/Haku (3/8/01)
Disk 15 (no menu)
1. Rock v. Kurt Angle
2. Austin v. Kurt Angle
3. Tazz v. Steven Richards (the Right to Censor beats down Tazz & The Rock runs in and attacks EVERYONE!)
4. Rock & Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle
5. Jim Ross interviews Steve Austin & The Rock
6. Austin & Rock talk backstage
7. Rock/Austin v. Kane/Undertaker (After the match, the Rock gives Austin the Stone Cold Stunner!)
8. Rock & William Regal talk backstage
9. Rock & Austin brawl with each other in the ring
10. Rock v. Steve Austin (Austin turns heel, joining Vince McMahon! Wrestlemania 17)
Disk 16
1. Rock/Vince interview (4/2/01)
2. Austin/Vince interview (4/2/01)
3. Rock v. Austin (cage match – 4/2/01)
4. The Story of the Alliance
5. Vince reinstates The Rock (7/23/01)
6. Welcome back, Rock (7/30/01)
7. The Rock returns to…7/30/01)
8. Rock interview (8/2/01)
9. Rebellion Promo (11/3/01)
10. Rock interview (Rebellion 01)
11. Rock v. Steve Austin (Rebellion 01)
12. Vince/Austin interview (11/5/01)
13. Vince/Rock interview (11/5/01)
14. Rock v. William Regal (11/12/01)
Disk 17
1. Rock/Jericho v. Austin/Angle (11/15/01)
2. Team WWF v. Team Alliance (Survivor Series 2001)
3. Survivor Series Reccap (11/19/01)
4. Rock/Angle interview (11/19/01)
5. Rock/Austin v. Jericho/Angle (12/6/01)
6. Rock/Austin v. Bossman/Booker T (1/7/02)
7. Rock/Austin v. Jericho/Taker (2/4/02)
Disk 18
1. Austin/Rock v. NWO 3/11/02
2. Rock inverview (6/17/02)
3. Rock/Bischoff promo (2/24/03)
4. Rock/Hurricane interview (2/24/03)
5. Rock/Bischoff interview (3/3/03)
6. Rock/Austin interview (3/3/03)
7. Rock/Austin interview (3/10/03)
8. Rock/Bischoff interview (3/10/03)
9. Rock v. Hurricane (3/10/03)
10. Rock/Bischoff interview (3/17/03)
11. Austin v. Bischoff (in progress – 3/17/03)
12. Rock interview – Wrestlemania 19
13. Wrestlemania 19 promo
14. Rock v. Austin (Wrestlemania 19)
15. Bonus Footage
16. Austin/Rock – 1997 Slammys
17. HOF 2008
18. Full “My Way” Promo for Wrestlemania 17
19. Legends of Wrestling – Rivalries
20. Rock/Austin Wrestlemania 27
Note: This site is for informational purposes only. This is where I keep the listings of the tapes in my collection. None of the videos listed on this site are for sale or trade.