January 4th 1992 At The Frank Erwin Center In Austin Texas:
1. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper v. The Brooklyn Brawler
Dissension in the ranks of the Rockers as Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels
share some harsh words after losing a
match to the LOD.
3. British Bulldogs v. jobber
4. Int – Ric Flair & Curt Hennig
5. Int – Hulk Hogan
6. The Mountie v. Rudy Gonzalez
7. Special Interview – Randy Savage & Elizabeth
8. The Beverly Brothers v. Scott Baizo & Ken Johnson
9. Promo – Tatanka
10. Int – Virgil
11. Int – Repo Man
12. Int – El Matador
13. Royal Rumble Report
14. The Undertaker v. Richie Garvin
15. Int – Mountie & The Natural Disasters
16. Int – LOD & Bret Hart
January 11th 1992 At The Frank Erwin Center In Austin Texas:
1. Sergeant Slaughter & Jim Duggan v. Barry Horowitz & Jesse Hernandez
2. Update – Sid Justice
3. Irwin R. Schyster v. Robert Taylor
4. Int – Ric Flair
5. Int – Hulk Hogan
6. Jake Roberts v. Randy Savage (From Tuesday in Texas)
7. Int – Bret Hart and LOD
8. Int – Mountie & The Natural Disasters
9. Tito Santana v. Brian Donahue
Funeral Parlor – Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect. What’s notable here, is that although
Ric Flair’s title belt is still digitally
distorted, it clearly isn’t the NWA Title belt. It’s actually one of the WWF
Tag Team Title Belts!
11. Promo - Tatanka
12. The Natural Disasters v. Bobby Jones & Ken Johnson
13. Int – Virgil
14. Int – Ted DiBiase
January 18th 1992 At The Frank Erwin Center In Austin Texas:
1. Randy Savage v. The Barbarian
2. Update – The Mountie is the new Interontinental Champion, having won the title on an untelevised House Show
3. Virgil v. B.A. Dalton
4. Int – Ric Flair
5. Int – Hulk Hogan
6. The Nasty Boys v. Dusty Wolfe & Robert Taylor
7. Special Interview – Hulk Hogan
8. The Berzerker v. Scott Baizo
9. Int – Virgil
10. Int – Repo Man
Barbershop – From Wrestling Challenge. THE ROCKERS SPLIT UP as Shawn Michaels
superkicks Marty Jannetty
and then throws Marty Jannetty through a glass window. The Heartbreak Kid is
12. Jake Roberts v. The Brooklyn Brawler
13. Int – Tito Santana
14. Int – Ted DiBiase
January 25th 1992 At The Oceanfront Center In Daytona Beach Florida:
1. New Foundation [Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart & “The Rocket” Owen Hart] v. Bob Avery & Brad Avery
2. Update – Ric Flair wins the Royal Rumble and the WWF Title
3. Rick Martel v. Mickey Jay
4. Int – Natural Disasters
5. Int – Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan
6. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Jack Owens
7. Ric Flair & The Undertaker
8. Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
9. Ted DiBiase v. D.D. Russell
Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Undertaker, Randy Savage and Sid Justice all talk about
why they should be the one to face
Ric Flair for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania.
11. The Repo Man v. Kevin Katlin
12. Promo - Tatanka
13. Sid Justice v. Mike Casey
14. Int – Repo Man
15. Int – Big Bossman
February 1st 1992 At The Oceanfront Center In Daytona Beach Florida:
Wrestlemania 7 press conference. Hulk Hogan (surprise, surprise) is announced
as Ric Flair’s opponent for Wrestlemania 7
and a shot at the WWF Title. Hogan is elated, and Sid Justice is irate!
2. The Beverly Brothers v. Scott Colontonio & Kevin Katlin
3. The Big Bossman v. Terry Davis
4. Int – Natural Disasters
5. Int – Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan
6. Tatanka v. Pat Tanaka (Tatanka makes his WWF debut.)
7. Irwin R. Schyster v. Bob Smedley
8. Int – Ric Flair & Undertaker
9. Int – Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
10. Promo – Papa Shango
11. Tito Santana v. Bob Morgan
Funeral Parlor – Sensational Sherri, sings the praises of the recently heel
turned Shawn Michaels. When asked about Ted
DiBiase, who she still manages, Sherri said that DiBiase gave her his blessing
to pursue Michaels.
13. The Legion Of Doom v. Pete Sanchez & Jim Cooper
14. The Undertaker v. Mickey Jay
15. Int – Repo Man
16. Int – Big Bossman
February 8th 1992 At The Oceanfront Center In Daytona Beach Florida:
1. The Natural Disasters v. Bob Avery & Raymond Hammer
2. Update – Sid Justice comments on Hulk Hogan being chosen over him for a WWF Title shot at Wrestlemania.
3. Virgil v. Kato
4. Int – Ric Flair & Undertaker
5. Int – Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
6. Jake Roberts v. D.D. Russell
7. Int –Nasty Boys
8. Int - LOD
9. Sergeant Slaughter & Jim Duggan v. Bill Badd & Jim James
10. Funeral Parlor – Ric Flair
11. Papa Shango v. Dale Wolfe (Papa Shango makes his WWF Debut)
12. The Mountie v. Mike Casey
13. Int – Ted DiBiase
14. Int – Big Bossman
15. Int – Huk Hogan
16. Int - Undertaker
February 15th 1992 At The Civic Center In Amarillo Texas:
Clips of Sid Justice helping Ric Flair eliminate Hulk Hogan at the Royal Rumble,
turning on Hulk Hogan from Saturday Night’s
Main Event, and then destroying Brutus Beefcake’s Barber Shop set, becoming a
full fledged heel in the process.
2. The British Bulldog v. Omar Atlas
3. The Nasty Boys v. Larry Williams & Khris Germany
4. Int – Ric Flair & Undertaker
5. Int – Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
6. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper v. Todd Overbow
7. Int – Daveyboy Smith
8. Int – Nasty Boys
9. Shawn Michaels v. Rudy Gonzalez (Michaels is accompanied to the ring by Sensational Sherri)
Wrestlemania Report – Ric Flair is now scheduled to defend the WWF Title against
Randy Savage instead of Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan is now scheduled to wrestle Sid Justice.
11. Rick Martel v. Terry Daniels
12. Int – Natural Disasters
13. Int – Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan
February 22nd 1992 At The Civic Center In Amarillo Texas:
1. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Ed Robinson
2. Update – Sid Justice turning heel and challenging Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 7.
3. Tatanka v. B.A. Dalton
4. Int – Ric Flair & Sid Justice
5. Int – Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
6. Money Incorporated v. Larry Williams & Jimmy James (Ted DiBiase and IRS begin teaming up together.)
7. Int – LOD
8. Int – Undertaker
Randy Savage v. Jake Roberts (From the
Main Event. Savage cleanly pins Jake Roberts, but it looks like Jake may
have the last laugh, as while Savage is celebrating in the ring, Jake is waiting
behind the curtain with a chair and
is ready to hit Elizabeth with it when
gets Elizabeth away and brawls with Roberts, but the question remains as to why
the Undertaker stopped Jake from
attacking Savage & Elizabeth.
10. Int – Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan
11. Int – Ted DiBiase
February 29th 1992 At The Civic Center In Amarillo Texas:
1. Tito Santana v. Brian Elmore
Update – Money Inc are the new WWF Tag Team Champions, and the Natural Disasters
aren’t very happy about it.
especially since their manager Jimmy Hart left them to join DiBiase and IRS.
3. The Repo Man v. Don Richter
4. Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart & Owen Hart v. Todd Overbow & Khris Germany
5. Int – Ric Flair & Sid Justice
6. Int – Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
7. Papa Shango v. Luke Williams
8. Int – Natural Disasters
9. Int – Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan
10. The Texas Tornado v. Kato
Funeral Parlor – Jake Roberts questions the Undertaker about ‘Taker stopping
Jake from attacking Randy Savage.
Undertaker declares that he and Jake are no longer on the same side, and Jake
DDTs Paul Bearer and then slams a casket
lid on Taker’s Hand! Jake then follows up with several chair shots, which the
Undertaker no-sells before chasing after
Jake while still dragging the casket that’s still locked on his hand! And with
that, the Undertaker is the WWF’s newest
12. Sergeant Slaughter & Jim Duggan v. Dusty Wolfe & Rudy Gonzalez
13. Int – Repo Man
14. Int – Tito Santana
March 7th 1992 At The Sundome In Tampa Florida:
1. Money Incorporated v. Jim Powers & Terry Davis
2. Update – The confrontation last week between Jake Roberts and the Undertaker, who will now face each other at Wrestlemania.
3. The British Bulldog v. Lee Armstrong
4. Shawn Michaels v. Scott Hen
5. Int – The Mountie
6. Int – Bret Hart
7. Tatanka v. Doug Somers
Int – Ric Flair claims to have shocking photos of Elizabeth and shows what
appears to be a photo of Ric and Elizabeth
together at a private swimming pool
9. The Big Bossman v. The Brooklyn Brawler
10. Int – Tito Santana
11. Int – Nasty Boys
12. Int - Bushwhackers
13. Sid Justice v. Mickey Jay (Justice introduces his new manager, Harvey Whippleman)
14. Int – Jake Roberts
March 14th 1992 At The Sundome In Tampa Florida:
1. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Jimmy James
Update – Ric Flair. He’s interviewed by Vince McMahon at a nice restaurant, and
claims to have had an affair with Elizabeth
before whe was with Randy Savage. Flair shows several photos of himself and
Elizabeth together as “Proof”
3. Papa Shango v. Lee Thomas
Int – Gene Okerlund interviews a distraught Randy Savage about Ric Flair’s
allegations about Elizabeth. Savage is incensed,
and can’t say anything other than “UNTRUE!” to any of Okerlund’s questions.
5. Int – Nasty Boys
6. Int - Bushwhackers
7. Tito Santana v. Lee Armstrong
Int – Jake Roberts discusses his recent confrontation with the Undertaker,
giving commentary as video is shown of his attacking
Undertaker on the Funeral Parlor 2 weeks ago.
The Natural Disasters v. Jim Cooper & Paul Simpson
(The Disasters are now babyfaces, after Jimmy Hart abandoned them
for Money Inc.)
10. Int – Jake Roberts
11. Int – Randy Savage
Sid Justice v. Dale Wolfe (After the
match, Wolfe is put on a stretcher, but it doesn’t stop Sid from attacking him
Virgil comes down to ringside to help Wolfe, and Sid beats the hell out of him,
breaking his nose in the process.)
13. Int – Bret Hart
14. Int – The Mountie
March 21st 1992 At The Sundome In Tampa Florida:
1. Sergeant Slaughter & Jim Duggan v. Bob Avery & Mark Avery
2. Update – Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair on his private yacht and shows somr more photos of Elizabeth and Ric Flair
3. Owen Hart v. Doug Somers
4. Int – Jake Roberts
5. Int – Randy Savage
6. The Mountie & The Nasty Boys v. Dale Wolfe, Bill Wood & Scott Somers
7. Special Interview – Hulk Hogan, who says that Wrestlemania may be his last match in the WWF.
8. Rick Martel v. Robbie Sampson
9. Tatanka v. Pete Sanchez (On the way down to the ring for his match, Tatanka comes to blows with Rick Martel!)
10. Int – Tito Santana
11. Int – Shawn Michaels
12. Int - Virgil
13. The Undertaker v. Lee Thomas
14. Int – The Mountie
15. Int - Bushwhackers
March 28th 1992 In Moline Alabama:
1. The Undertaker v. Lee Armstrong
Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair hold a “press conference” (they cut to the auditorium,
and the entire room is empty.) Flair
shows the pictures of himself and Elizabeth while insisting that they pictures
are legitimate.
3. Papa Shango v. Ian Weston
4. Promo - Nailz
5. The Big Bossman v. Barry Horowitz
6. Int – Jake Roberts
7. Int – Randy Savage
8. The Natural Disasters v. Bob Morgan & Dale Wolfe
9. Special Interview – Sid Vicious
10. Tito Santana v. Doug Somers
11. Promo for the World Bodybuilding Federation, featuring none other than Lex Luger!
12. Int – Nasty Boys
13. Int - Bushwhackers
14. The Berzerker v. Ian Weston
15. Int Tito Santana
16. Int – The Mountie
April 4th 1992 In Moline Alabama:
1. Mr. Perfect promises to unveil a centerfold shot of Elizabeth with nothing on at Wrestlemania!
2. The British Bulldog v. Bob Avery
3. Interview – We finally hear from Elizabeth, who denies all of Ric Flair’s allegations.
4. Tatanka v. Sandy Beach
5. Sid Justice v. Hercules (From Madison Square Garden. Sid puts ahercules away in less than a minute!)
6. Int – Natural Disasters
7. Int – Jake Roberts
8. Int – Undertaker
Shawn Michaels v. Roddy Piper (Shawn
Michaels nearly wins with the help of Sensational Sherri. Bret Hart, who will
be wrestling Piper for Piper’s IC Title runs in to save Piper. Piper is not
happy to have Bret’s assistance.)
Int – Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect outside of Flair’s
private jet. Flair and Perfect promise that at
Wrestlemania, they’ll unveil a huge centerfold of Elizabeth in the nude.
Jake Roberts v. Jerry Allen (Jake does a
great job of playing the heel here. When he sees the crowd cheer when he’s
to apply the DDT, he releases Allen and pins him without using his signature
12. Lex Luger does another WBF promo.
13. Int – Money Inc.
14. Int – Roddy Piper
15. Int – Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan tribute – Vince McMahon interviews Hulk Hogan in a special segment
where they discuss many of Hogan’s
milestones in the WWF, as well as the possibility of Hogan retiring
April 11th 1992 In Moline Alabama:
Clips from Wrestlemania, including Randy Savage winning the WWF
Title from Ric Flair, The Undertaker beating Jake Roberts
Bret Hart defeating Roddy Piper to win the Intercontinental Title, and
during the Hulk
Hogan/ Sid match.
2. Owen Hart v. Barry Horowitz
3. Papa Shango v. Mike Casey
4. Int – Shawn Michaels
5. Int – Bret Hart
6. Promo - Nailz
7. Sergeant Slaughter & Jim Duggan v. Doug Somers & Larry Stevenson
8. Update – Randy Savage wiins the WWF Title from Ric Flair.
Shawn Michaels v. Dale Wolfe (Shawn
Michaels comes out to “Sexy Boy” as his new entrance music. In this early
though, Sherri is doing the vocals for the song. The current version has Shawn
himself singing the vocals.)
Promo – “Precious” Paul Ellering and the Legion of Doom. Ellering made his
return to the LOD’s side at Wrestlemania and is
once again managing the Legion of Doom.
11. The Mountie v. Bill Golden
12. Int – Sid Justice
13. Int – Ultimate Warrior
14. The Undertaker v. Sonny Trout
15. Int – Daveyboy Smith
16. Int – Beverly Brothers
April 18th 1992 In Kalamazoo Michigan:
1. The Legion Of Doom v. Duane Gill & Barry Hardy
Update – Gene Okerlund shows proof that all of the Ric Flair and Elizabeth
photos were actually doctored. The originals
were of Liz and Randy Savage.
3. Repo Man v. jobber
4. Int – Sid Justice
5. Int – Ultimate Warrior
6. Promo - Nailz
7. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Tom Bennett
8. Int – Repo Man
9. Int – Bret Hart
10. Int – Shawn Michaels
Promo – Crush. Formerly, the third member of Demolition, Bryan Adams is set to
debut under the same name, but as a
babyface with a more colorful outfit.
12. Berserker v. jobber
13. Special Interview – Ultimate Warrior, who is surrounded by a crowd of children with their faces painted.
14. rick Martel v. jobber
15. Kerry Von Erich v. jobber
16. Money Inc. v. jobbers
17. Int – Beverly Brothers
18. Int – LOD
19. Int – Undertaker
20. Int - Berserker
April 25th 1992 In Kalamazoo Michigan:
1. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair v. Ron Cumberledge
2. Update – Footage from several Wrestlemania fan events
3. The British Bulldog v. Kevin Kruger
4. The Beverly Brothers v. Eric Collins & Mike Freedom
5. Int – Sid
6. Int – Ultimate Warrior
7. Promo - Crush
8. Shawn Michaels v. George Anderson
9. Int – Repo Man
10. Int - LOD
11. Sergeant Slaughter v. The Brooklyn Brawler
12. Special Interview – Sid Justice
13. The Natural Disasters v. Kent Carlson & Tom Stone
14. Int – Bret Hart
15. Int – Shawn Michiaels
16. The Undertaker v. The Berzerker
May 2nd 1992 In Kalamazoo Michigan:
1. The Big Bossman v. Mark Roberts
2. Update – The Berserker attacks and nearly impales the Undertaker with his sword.
3. Papa Shango v. Red Tyler
4. Int – Tito Santana
5. Int – Sid Justice
6. Tatanka v. Brian Costello (Rick Martel attacks Tatanka after the match.)
7. Int – Ric Flair
8. Int – Randy Savage
9. Money Incorporated v. Ron Cumberledge & Chris Hahn
10. Special Interview – Randy Savage
11. Promo - Crush
12. High Energy [Koko B. Ware & Owen Hart] v. Tom Bennett & Duane Gill (High Energy makes their Superstars debut)
13. The Ultimate Warrior v. Skinner
14. Int – Beverly Brothers
15. Int – Sgt. Slaughter
16. Int – Ric Flair
May 9th 1992 At The War Memorial In Syracuse New York:
1. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Von Krus
2. Update – Daveyboy Smith is attacked by the Repo Man.
3. Kamala v. Sonny Blaze
4. Tito Santana v. Bob Bradley
5. Int – Ric Flair
6. Int – Randy Savage
7. The Legion Of Doom v. Duane Gill & Barry Hardy
8. Int – Berserker
9. Int - Undertaker
10. Crush v. Kato (The newly re-packaged Crush makes his debut on Superstars)
11. Promo – Papa Shango
12. Special Interview – Rick Martel
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair v. Sergeant Slaughter
(The Mountie interferes in the match with his electric shock
Slaughter has to be stretchered out afterward.)
14. Int – Beverly Brothers
15. Int - LOD
16. The Nasty Boys v. Bill Pierce & Brian Brieger
17. Int – Nasty Boys
18. Int – Ultimate Warrior
May 16th 1992 At The War Memorial In Syracuse New York:
1. Shawn Michaels v. Sonny Blaze
2. Update – The Mountie and Sgt. Slaughter
3. Tatanka v. Barry Hardy
4. The Berzerker v. Scott Taylor
5. Int – Ric Flair
6. Int – Randy Savage
7. Promo - Crush
8. The Repo Man v. Jay Sledge
9. The Big Bossman v. Glen Ruth
The Ultimate Warrior v. “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs
(Despite liberal interference by Knobbs’ partner Jerry Saggs, the
Warrior still gets the victory. But the most notable occurance of this match,
making it one of the most infamous events
of the year, is the appearance of Papa Shango. Shango casts a spell on the
Warrior, who immediately doubles over in
pain and has to be helped to the back by several WWF officials. The Warrior is
put on a stretcher in the back, and as
he’s being attended to by several medics,
11. The Beverly Brothers v. Jim Brunzell & Bobby Knight (After the match, the Beverlys paint Knight like one of the LOD.)
12. Int – Mountie
13. Int – Sgt. Slaughter
May 23rd 1992 At The War Memorial In Syracuse New York:
1. The Undertaker v. Bill Pierce
2. Update – Papa Shango putting a curse on The Ultimate Warrior
3. Virgil v. Duane Gill
4. Money Incorporated v. Jim Brunzell & Glen Ruth
5. Int – Ric Flair
6. Int – Randy Savage
7. The British Bulldog v. Barry Hardy
8. Promo – Ric Flair
9. Int – Mountie
10. Int – Berserker
11. Int - Undertaker
12. The Mountie v. Bobby Knight
Special Interview – Ultimate Warrior. The Warrior talks about what he’ll do to
Papa Shango, when a strange black liquid flows
down his face seemingly from the top of his scalp. Has Papa Shango put another
curse on the Warrior?
14. The Bushwhackers v. Vince Sola & The Dublin Destroyer
15. Kamala v. Kerry Davis
16. Int – Beverly Brothers
17. Int – LOD
May 30th 1992 At The War Memorial In Syracuse New York:
1. The Legion Of Doom v. Rich Mitchell & Kato
2. Update – Papa Shango’s curses on the Ultimate Warrior
Papa Shango v. Brian Brieger (No
match. Shango casts another spell in the ring and all the arena lights go out.
they come back up, Breiger’s wrestling boots are on fire, and there’s a black
liquid all over his forehead and he’s lying
flat on his back unconscious!
4. Int – Ric Flair
5. Int – Randy Savage
6. Sergeant Slaughter v. Bob Bradley
7. Rick Martel v. Jim Powers
8. Int – Berzerker
9. Int – Undertaker
10. The Natural Disasters v. Duane Gill & Mike Fury
The Big Bossman v. Dave Roulette (The
prisoner known as Nailz finally makes his appearance, running in on the Big
Bossman and beating him half to death. Nailz is apparently a former criminal
who was in the same jail that the Bossman
worked in, and has vowed to take revenge on the Bossman. Looks like he got off
to a good start.)
12. The Berzerker v. Glen Ruth
13. Promo – Crush
14. Int – Beverly Brothers
15. Int – Sgt. Slaughter
June 6th 1992 At The Rupp Arena In Lexington Kentucky:
1. Bret "the Hitman" Hart v. Tom Stone
2. Update – The Big Bossman’s tremendous beating at the hands of Nailz last week.
3. The Nasty Boys v. Reno Riggins & Major Yates
4. The Texas Tornado v. Glen Ruth
The Beverly Brothers v. Mike Samples & Scott Bailey (Once again, the Beverlys
paint one of their defeated opponents like
one of the LOD.)
6. Crush v. George Anderson
Special interview – Papa Shango. Gene Okerlund interviews Shango, and as Shango
walks away, Okerlund finds black liquid
running down his arms.
8. High Energy v. Kevin Kruger & Kato
9. The Repo Man v. Dan Robbins
June 13th 1992 At The Rupp Arena In Lexington Kentucky:
1. Tatanka v. Barry Horowitz
2. Update – More on Papa Shango
3. Shawn Michaels v. Craig Brown
4. Int – Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels
5. Promo – Razor Ramon
6. The Natural Disasters v. The Executioners
7. Int – Berzerker & Papa Shango
8. Int – Ultimate Warrior & Undertaker
9. The Mountie v. Bill Koby
10. Special Interview – Randy Savage
11. Kamala v. Dale Wolfe
12. Tito Santana v. Mike Samples
Int – Big Bossman gives a telephone interview from a hospital bed. He’s still
in recovery from the beating that Nailz put
on him weeks ago.
14. Nailz v. Ron Cumberledge
15. Int – Repo Man
16. Int – Daveyboy Smith
June 20th 1992 At The Rupp Arena In Lexington Kentucky:
1. The Legion Of Doom v. Barry Hardy & Tom Bennett
2. Update – WWF Champion Randy Savage
Papa Shango v. Chris Hahn (No match, as
Chris Hahn is still taking his ring attire off when his hand
FLAMES! Hahn is
immediately attended to by ringside officials, and then runs to the back holding
his burned hand.)
4. Int – Repo Man
5. Int – Daveyboy Smith
6. Int – Nailz
7. Sergeant Slaughter v. Red Tyler
8. The Repo Man v. Brian Costello
9. Int – Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels
10. Int – Randy Savage & Bret Hart
11. Crush v. Brooklyn Brawler
12. Special Interview – Shawn Michaels & Sensational Sherri
13. Promo – Razor Ramon
14. The Undertaker v. Duane Gill
15. Money Incorporated v. Butler Stevens & Rock Werner
16. Int – Papa Shango & Berzerker
June 27, 1992
1. Daveyboy Smith v. jobber
2. Update – Tatanka
3. Nasty Boys v. Rick Johnson & Chico Martinez
4. Int – Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels
5. Int – Randy Savage & Bret Hart
6. Promo – Razor Ramon
7. Virgil v. Glen Ruth
8. Int – Berserker
9. Int – Undertaker
10. Berzerker v. Bruce Mitchell
Paul Ellering and the Legion of Doom are in Chicago in the wreckage of the
building where Hawk & Animal grew up. Ellering
pulls a doll out of the wreckage. The LOD recognize him as their favorite toy
Rocco, who they used to practice beating up
when they were children. Ellering promises to bring Rocco to the Ring with the
LOD as a way to remind them of their past.
12. Nailz v. J.A. Gooden (Not much of a match. Nailz just destroys the poor guy until the referees come in and stretcher him out.)
13. Kerry Von Erich v. Duane Gill
14. Kamala v. John Blade
15. Int – Nailz
16. Int – Daveyboy Smith
July 4, 1992
1. High Energy v. Bob Bradley & Joe Milano
2. Update – Nailz & The Big Bossman
3. Rick Martel v. Jason Knight
4. Crush v. Barry Hardy
5. Int – Berserker & Papa Shango
6. Int – Ultimate Warrior & Undertaker
Papa Shango v. McMullen (Before the
match starts, Shango appears to cast another curse, and his opponent suddenly
grabs his knee in pain. Shango has his way with him after that.)
8. Int – Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect
9. Int – Randy Savage & Bret Hart
10. Sgt Slaughter v. jobber
11. Special Interview – Repo Man
12. Bret Hart v. Barry Horowitz
13. Promo – Razor Ramon
14. Beverly Brothers v. Scott Taylor & Phil Apollo
July 11, 1992
1. LOD v. jobbers (Paul Ellering & Rocco are at ringside)
2. Update – The Mountie
3. Shawn Michaels v. Chico Martinez
Undertaker v. Bruce Mitchell (After the
match, the Berzerker runs in and attacks the Undertaker, but ‘Taker runs him
5. Tito Santana v. Dwayne Gill
6. Special Interview – Kamala
7. Tatanka v. jobber
8. Nailz v. Rick Johnson
9. Money Inc. v. Bobby Perez & Angel Vega
10. Promo – Razor Ramon
July 18, 1992
1. Natural Disasters v. Dwayne Gill & Brooklyn Brawler
Update – The upcoming Summerslam 1992 with the announced main event of Randy
Savage defending the WWF Title against
The Ultimate Warrior.
3. Ric Flair v. Glen Ruth
4. Int – Berserker & Papa Shango
5. Int – Ultimate Warrior & Undertaker
6. From Primetime – Shawn Michaels comes down to ringside during a match between Rick Martel & Bret Hart.
7. Virgil v. Dave Millson
8. Repo Man
9. Daveyboy Smith
10. Repo Man v. jobber
11. Special Interview – Big Bossman, who makes his return after the massive beating he took from Nailz.
12. Mountie v. Jason Knight
13. Promo – Razor Ramon
14. Daveyboy Smith v. Vito Krus
15. Int – Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect
16. Int – Randy Savage & Bret Hart
July 25, 1992 (Good quality)
1. Tatanka v. Peter Motts
Update – The Natural Disasters win the WWF Tag Team Titles from Money Inc.
Apparently, it was on an untelivised show, as
no footage of the title change was shown.
3. Shawn Michaels v. Phil Apollo
4. Promo – Razor Ramon
5. Nailz v. Jason Speed
Special Interview – Ultimate Warrior & Randy Savage, who argue with each other
about their upcoming match at Summerslam 92. Mr. Perfect & Ric Flair go to the
ring and interrupt the interview, upset that Flair isn’t the one getting the
title shot. Flair &
Perfect taunt Savage, causing him to storm the ring and of course get double
teamed by Perfect & Flair. Warrior runs in and
drives off both Perfect and Flair, but winds up in a pull-apart brawl with
Savage afterward.
7. Beverly Brothers v. Red Tyler & Chris Duffy
August 1, 1992 (Good quality)
1. Nasty Boys v. jobbers
2. Update – The confrontation between Randy Savage & Ultimate Warrior
3. Bret Hart v. Iron Mike Sharpe
4. Int – Nailz
5. Int – Big Bossman
6. Int – LOD
7. Rick Martel v. Bill Price
8. Special Interview – Undertaker
9. Papa Shango v. Tony Roy
10. Int – Ric Flair
11. Int – Randy Savage
12. LOD v. Flex Armstrong & Richie Rich
13. Promo – Razor Ramon
14. Int – Shawn Michaels
15. Int – Tatanka
August 8 1992
1. Special Interview – Ultimate Warrior. Ric Flair comes out and proposes an alliance between himself and the Warrior.
2. Razor Ramon v. jobber (Scott Hall debuts in probably his most memorable gimmick. Razor Ramon)
3. Natural Disasters v. jobbers
4. Kamala v. jobber
5. Int – Ric Flair
6. Int – Randy Savage
7. Daveyboy Smith v. Iron Mike Sharpe
8. Berzerker v. Jason Knight
9. Int – Beverly Brothers
10. Int – LOD (Well, Paul Ellering and Rocco actually did the talking)
August 15, 1992
1. Big Bossman v Skinner
2. Kamala v. Joe Steel (The Undertaker comes out before Kamal can leave and scares him off.)
3. Undertaker v. jobber
4. Special Interview – Randy Savage. Mr. Perfect comes out and attempts to strike a deal with Savage.
5. Money Inc. v. Jobbers
6. Razor Ramon v. Jim Powers
August 22, 1992
1. Bushwhackers & Jim Duggan v. Beverly Brothers & Repo Man
Update – both Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage suspect the other of dealing
with Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect in
preparation for their match at Summerslam 92
3. Papa Shango v. jobber. (During the match, Shango attacks the referee. Bret Hart runs in and makes the save)
4. Int – Rick Martel
5. Int – Big Bossman
Int – Jimmy Hart shows Gene Okerlund a contract he just received for a match
between his Nasty Boys against Randy
Savage and the Ultimate Warrior
7. Crush v. jobber
8. Int – Ric Flair
9. Int – Randy Savage
10. Razor Ramon v. Tony Roi
11. Int – Bruce Hart
12. Bret Hart v. Vito Krus (Papa Shango comes down to ringside during the match.)
13. Nailz v. Mark Armstrong
11. Int – Beverly Brothers
14. Int – LOD
15. Int Nasty Boys
August 29, 1992
Ultimate Warrior & Randy Savage v. Nasty Boys
(Clips from Primetime. With both men suspecting the other of
being in
cahoots with Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect, they have trouble getting along during
this match.)
2. Ric Flair v. jobber
3. Int – Ultimate Warrior
4. Int – Randy Savage
5. Tatanka v. jobber
6. Int – Rick Martel
7. Int – Tito Santana
8. Kamala v. jobber
9. Int – Money Inc.
10. Bret Hart v. Louie Spicolli
11. Rick Martel v. Justin Taylor
September 5, 1992
Ultimate Warrior v. Randy Savage (clips
from Summerslam. Ric Flair attacks Savage during the match, but the Warrior
refuses to pin him. In the end, Savage & The Warrior leave the ring together)
2. Undertaker v. Kamala (Clips from Summerslam)
3. LOD v. jobbers
4. Int – Razor Ramon, Nailz & Kamala
5. Int – Tatanka
6. Nailz v. jobber
7. Int – High Energy
8. Int – Nasty Boys
9. Int – Mountie
10. Crush v. Kato
11. Mountie v. jobber
12. Int – Razor Ramon
13. Virgil v. Barry Horowitz
14. Money Inc. v. jobbers
15. Int – Berzerker
16. Int – Jim Duggan
September 12, 1992
1. Ric Flair v. Randy Savage (Clips of Ric Flair defeating Savage with Razor Ramon’s help to regain the WWF Title.)
2. Razor Ramon v. Gary Jackson
Update – Razor Ramon costs Savage the WWF Title. More footage is shown of the
match between Flair and Savage
where Ramon’s interference costs Savage the title. Ramon attacks Savage after
the match. The Ultimate Warrior
helps Savage to the back.
4. Natural Disasters v. jobbers
5. Int – Kamala
6. Int – Ultimate Warrior
7. Papa Shango v. Justin Taylor
8. Int – Tatanka
9. Int – Repo Man
10. Big Bossman v. Iron Mike Sharpe
11. Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect, Bobby Heenan and Razor Ramon celebrate Flair’s regaining the WWF Title
12. Nasty Boys v. jobbers
13. Undertaker v. Pat Rose
September 19, 1992
1. Bret Hart v. jobber
2. Update – Randy Savage and Razor Ramon
3. Shawn Michaels v. Ross Greenberg
4. Mountie v. Tatanka
5. Nailz v. jobber
6. Special Interview – Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior, who are now calling themselves the Ultimate Maniacs
7. Kamala v. Tony Devito (After the match, Paul Bearer rolls a casket out to ringside, and scares Kamala half to death!)
8. Int – Nailz
9. Int – Daveyboy Smith
September 26, 1992
1. Daveyboy Smith v. Barry Hardy
2. Update – The Ultimate Maniacs
3. Kamala v. John Richner
4. Int – Kamala
5. Int- Ultimate Warrior
Comet Kid v. Barry Horowitz (The Comet Kid is Paul Diamond, who used to
wrestle as Kato of the Orient Express.
Diamond is dressed in a multi-colored, spaceman/superhero outfit. And wrestle a
more acrobatic style. He would
eventually change his name to Max Moon.)
7. Razor Ramon v. jobber
8. Int – Jim Duggan
9. Int – Daveyboy Smith
10. Big Bossman v. jobber
11. Special Interview – Ric Flair
12. Nasty Boys v. jobbers
October 3, 1992
1. Crush v. jobber
2. Nailz v. Crush
3. Promo – Bob Backlund, who will be making his long awaited return to the WWF
4. Undertaker v. Vito Krus
5. Int – Razor Ramon
6. Int – British Bulldog
7. Repo Man v. jobber
8. Special Interview – Razor Ramon
9. Int – Undertaker
10. Int – Mountie
11. Int – Natural Disasters v. Barry Horowitz & ???
12. Int – Jimmy Hart
13. Rick Martel v. Ross Greenberg
14. Int – Nailz
15. Int – Ultimate Warrior
October 10, 1992
1. Razor Ramon v. jobber
2. Max Moon v. Jerry Fox (Formerly the Comet Kid, Paul Diamond has changed his name to Max Moon.)
3. Int – Nailz
4. Int – Natural Disasters
5. Int – Money Inc.
6. High Energy v. 2 jobbers
7. Nailz v. jobber
8. Int – Randy Savage
9. Lance Cassidy v. Tom Stone (Steve Armstrong makes his WWF debut as Lance Cassidy)
10. Special Interview – Gene Okerlund interviews Sgt. Slaughter, who is now wearing a suit and working as a WWF official.
11. Promo – Bob Backlund
12. Kamala v. jobber. (Paul Bearer once again scares Kamala off by bringing a casket down to the ring.)
13. Bret Hart v. jobber
14. Int – Crush
15. Int – Papa Shango
16. Int – Kamala & Harvey Whippleman
October 17, 1992
1. Special Interview - NEW WWF Champion Bret Hart
2. Shawn Michaels v. Steve Guillespie
3. Tatanka v. Brian Jewel
4. Update - Bret Hart wins the WWF Title
5. Big Bossman v. Barry Horowitz
6. Daveyboy Smith v. Jeff Peterson
7. Video - Bob Backlund
8. Money Inc. v. Jim Powers & Bobby St. Laroque
October 24, 1992
1. Special Interview - Randy Savage & The Ultimate Warrior
2. Crush v. Ken Johnson
3. Natural Disasters v. Bill Jordan & Tom Stone
4. Nailz v. jobber (Afterward, Nailz gets into a staredown with the Undertaker)
5. Undertaker v. jobber
6. Rick Martel v. jobber
7. Papa Shango v. jobber
8. Money Inc v. Nasty Boys (no match, as Ted DiBiase pays the Nastys off beforehand.)
October 31, 1992
Natural Disasters v. Money Inc (Prior
to the match, The Nasty Boys come out and argue with their manager Jimmy Hart
who also manage Money Inc. about why they aren’t getting the title shot against
the Disasters. Ted DiBiase trys to pay
off the Nastys, Knobbs and Saggs pocket the money and then ATTACK MONEY INC!
Also present during the match,
are the Headshrinkers, who come down to ringside to observe things. Despite all
of the interruptions, Money Inc. regains
the WWF Tag Team Titles)
Int – An ecstatic Jimmy Hart runs to the commentators table to talk with Gorilla
Monsoon and Bobby Heenan, but the Nasty
Boys confront Hart and fire him as their manager, tossing Hart onto Money Inc,
who had come out to try and save Hart.
Yokozuna v. jobber (Yokozuna makes his
debut in the WWF. While the WWF passes Yoko off as being Japanese, he is
actually Samoan. Rodney Inoue is a part of the extended Wild Samoan family
which includes Afa, Sika and the Headshrinkers.)
4. Int – Randy Savage
5. Int – Nailz
6. Int – Big Bossman
7. Promo – Bam Bam Bigelow
8. Tatanka v. jobber
9. Special Interview – Ric Flair & Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels comes to the ring for his match and is admiring
himself in a big mirror held by Sensational Sherri. Michaels
is so preoccupied with himself here, that he doesn’t see
Jannetty returns to the
WWF and beats the hell out of Michaels. Jannetty then grabs the mirror from
Sheri and is ready to nail Michaels with it, but
Michaels pulls Sherri in the way and Jannetty
Michaels then leaves
Sherri in the ring and runs off.
11. Int – Crush
12. Int – Papa Shango
13. Int – Daveyboy Smith
14. Int – Jimmy Hart
November 7, 1992
1. Max Moon v. jobber
2. Footage of Money Inc winning the WWF Tag Titles, and the Nasty Boys turning babyface as a result
3. Headshrinkers v. jobbers
4. Int – Razor Ramon
5. Int – Randy Savage
6. Promo – Bam Bam Bigelow
7. Virgil v. jobber
8. Update – Marty Jannetty’s return to the WWF and attacking Shawn Michaels
9. Video footage of new WWF Champion Bret Hart
10. Damian Demento v. jobber
11. Special Interview – Big Bossman, who will be facing Nailz at the Survivor Series in a night stick on a pole match.
12. Money Inc. v. High Energy
13. Int – Natural Disasters
14. Int – Big Bossman
November 14, 1992
Daveyboy Smith v. Repo Man (Smith and
Repo had wrestled each other years earlier when Repo Man was Smash of
2. Promo – Bob Backlund
3. Headshrinkers v. Jim Powers & Bob St. Laurent
4. Int – Nailz
5. In t- Ultimate Warrior
6. Marty Jannetty v. Mike Sharpe
7. Update – the New WWF Champion Bret Hart
8. Nailz v. Ken Johnson (After the match, we see a clown running around in the stands. Who is he?)
9. Special Interview – Natural Disasters & The Nasty Boys
10. Int – Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect & Ric Flair
11. Int – Randy Savage & Ultimate Warrior, who will be facing Flair and Razor Ramon at the upcoming Survivor Series.
12. Kamala v. Steve Gillespie
13. Int – Ric Flair
14. Int – Bret Hart
November 21, 1992
1. Bret Hart v. Virgil (Rare babyface v. babyface WWF Title match.)
SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN! Ultimate Warrior has left the WWF!
(again) And in another shocker, Randy Savage picks none other
than Flair and Ramon’s advisor
3. Yokozuna v. Todd Becker
4. Int – Jim Duggan
5. Int – Headshrinkers
6. Int – Natural Disasters
Update – Shawn Michaels wins the Intercontinental Title from Daveyboy Smith.
Also shown, is an interview between Michaels
and WWF Champion Bret Hart , which will lead to the two facing each other at the
Survivor Series.
8. Natural Disasters v. Steve Walker & Mike Kramer
9. Promo – Bam Bam Bigelow
10. Lance Cassidy v. Barry Horowitz
11. Int – Shawn Michaels
12. Int – Bret Hart
November 28, 1992
1. Bam Bam Bigelow v. Jerry Fox
2. Update – Ric Flair & Razor Ramon after their Survivor Series match with Randy Savae & Mr. Perfect
3. Headshrinkers v. George Anderson & Kevin Kruger
4. Int – Ric Flair
5. Int – Shawn Michaels
6. Int – Marty Jannetty
7. The Rev. Slick delivers a short sermon
8. Bob Backlund v. Tom Stone (After more than 8 years, the former WWF Champion makes his return to the WWF!)
9. Int – Harvey Whippleman & Kim Chee (without Kamala who lost a casket match to the Undertaker)
Damian Demento v. Joey Maggs (During the
match, that mysterious clown is seen in the stands performing magic tricks
for the fans)
11. Special Interview – Marty Jannetty
12. Razor Ramon v. Gary Jackson
13. Crush v. jobber
14. Int – Natural Disasters
15. Int – Jim Duggan
December 5, 1992
1. High Energy v. Barry Horowitz & WT Jones
2. Yokozuna v. Mark Morgan
3. Int – Ric Flair
4. Int – Bret Hart
5. Max Moon v. Brian Costello (That mysterious clown is in the stands again.)
6. Int – Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair in a very nice restaurant.
7. Kamala v. jobber
8. Sermon – The Rev. Slick
9. Jim Duggan v. Dale Wolfe (The Clown has come down to ringside to observe the match.)
10. Special Interview – Nailz
11. Tatanka v. Louie Spicolli
12. Int – Nailz
13. Int – Marty Jannetty
14. Shawn Michaels v. jobber
15. Promo – Mr. Perfect
December 12, 1992
1. Nasty Boys v. Brooklyn Brawler & ???
2. Update – The upcoming Royal Rumble
Bam Bam Bigelow v. John Paul (The clown
is at ringside with a bucket and throws it on Bigelow. It was just sawdust
4. Sermon – The Rev. Slick
Marty Jannetty v. Dwayne Gill (The Clown is out there with another bucket. But
this time when he throws it at Janetty, It’s
full of WATER!)
6. Nailz v. jobber
Special Interview – Bret Hart. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair come out to interrupt
though. Razor Ramon comes out as well and
attacks Bret! Mr. Perfect comes out to make the save.
8. Lance Cassidy v. jobber
9. Footage of several WWF Wrestlers attending a Planet Hollywood event.
10. Undertaker v. Barry Horowitz
11. Int – Randy Savage
12. Int – Nailz
13. Int – Bret Hart
December 19, 1992
1. Crush v. Dark Destiny
2. Update – Bret Hart
3. Kamala v. Bill Koby
4. Sermon – Rev. Slick
Big Bossman v. Barry Hardy (After the m
atch, The Bossman runs to the back, and trips over a cable placed there by that
darn clown! For the second week in a row, this clown has played practical jokes
on the WWF’s babyfaces. Perhaps this
clown isn’t as friendly as we thought.)
6. Int – Ric Flair
7. Int – Bret Hart
8. Yokozuna v. Richard Myers
9. Special Interview – The Bushwhackers, who are both dressed up like Santa Claus.
10. Damian Demento v. jobber
11. Money Inc v. jobbers
12. Int – Shawn Michaels
13. Int - Undertaker
1. Razor Ramon v. jobber
2. Music Video – WWF Slam
3. Bob Backlund v. Barry Horowitz (And there’s that clown again. He’s sweeping up outside the ring.
4. Int – Bret Hart
5. Int – Undertaker
6. Headshrinkers v. jobbers
7. Mr. Perfect hits some baseballs with baseball great Wade Boggs
8. Promo - The now reformed Reverend Slick preaches to us.
Tatanka v. Bret Tyler (The clown is
outside the ring again with a mop. Tatanka confronts him and the clown swats
him in
the face with the mop.)
10. Virgil v. John Reacher
11. Bam Bam Bigelow v. Briab Costello
12. Int – Randy Savage
13. Int – Money Inc
Note: This site is for informational purposes only. This is where I keep the listings of the tapes in my collection. None of the videos listed on this site are for sale or trade.