BJW: Blood and Death History Disc 1
1. No Rope Barbed Wire: The Iceman & Ron Powers vs. Shoji Nakamaki & Kendo Nagasaki (3-16-95)
2. Exploding Thumbtack Balloons Time Bomb Street Fight: Axl Rotten & Shoji Nakamaki vs. Seiji Yamakawa & Kendo Nagasaki (5-22-96)
3. No Rope Barbed Wire, Scaffold & Barbed Wire Boards Elimination: Seiji Yamakawa & Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Shoji Nakamaki (7-19-96)
4. Barbed Wire Boards & Piranha Fish Tank: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Kendo Nagasaki (8-19-96)
5. Scorpion & Cactus Desert: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Shoji Nakamaki (11-20-96)
6. Barbed Wire Danger Net Circus: Ryuji Yamakawa & Shoji Nakamaki vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Great Kojika (1-6-97)
7. Barbed Wire Bug Zapper Boards 8000Volt Shock: Ryuji Yamakawa & Shoji Nakamaki vs. Tarzan Goto & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (4-1-97)
8. No Rope Barbed Wire, Thumbtacks & Glass Triple Hell: X & Tarzan Goto vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Shoji Nakamaki (6-7-97)
9. Dry Ice Undertaker Coffin Street Fight: Shoji Nakamaki & Great Kojika vs. Shadow WX & The Great Pogo (10-31-97)
10. The W*ING Crisis BJW Big Born Death Match - Barbed Wire Boards, Electrified Fluorescent Light Tube Boards, Dry Ice, Thumbtacks, Bed Of Nails, Cactus, Scorpions, Coffin, Barbed Wire Danger Net, Nail Baseball Bat, Barbed Wire Baseball Bat & Electrified Space Heaters: Shadow VII, Shadow WX, Shadow Winger & The Great Pogo vs. Jason The Terrible, Shoji Nakamaki, Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Masked GK (5-1-98)
11. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - King Of The Death Match Final No Rope Barbed Wire, Glass & Fire Coffin Cremation: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Mr. Pogo (8-9-98)
12. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - Fluroescent Light Tube Board, Barbed Wire Board & Bed Of Nails: Shadow WX vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (9-23-98)
13. Undertaker Coffin: The Alligator vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (9-23-98)
14. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - Prison Cable Chain Handcuffs:Abdullah The Butcher vs. Shadow WX (4-7-99)
15. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - No Rope Barbed Wire Fire: Shadow WX vs. Ryuji Yamakawa (8-10-99)
16. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - Fluorescent Light Tube Boards, Barbed Wire Boards & Spike Nail: Tomoaki Honma vs. Ryuji Yamakawa (6-20-99)
17. Jun Kasai & The Winger vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (10-17-99)
BJW: Blood and Death History Disc 2
1. Barbed Wire Boards & Fluroescent Light Tube Boards: Tomoaki Honma vs. Shadow WX (10-17-99)
2. WEW Hardcore Title: Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Kintaro Kanemura (2-22-00)
3. BJ Grand Prix 2000 Tournament Final - Electrified Fluroescent Light Tube Boards, Lights Out: Mike Samples vs. Shadow WX (2-22-00
4. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title - Barbed Wire Boards & Ladder: Abdullah Jr. Kobayashi vs. Tomoaki Honma (2-22-00))
5. World Extreme Cup Semi Final: Zandig vs. Tomoaki Honma (5-14-00)
6. World Extreme Cup Final - Fluroescent Light Tube Boards, Barbed Wire Boards, Lemon & Salt: Zandig vs. Shadow WX (5-14-00)
7. CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title - $100,000 Match: The Winger vs. Trent Acid (7-2-00)
8. DM Title - BJW vs. CZW World War 2000 Final $50,000 Lemon, Salt & Mustard Scramble: Zandig vs. Tomoaki Honma (7-2-00)
9. Super Fire Road: Kasai & Matsunaga vs. Zandig & Nick Gage (8-6-00)
10. DM Title - Barbed Wire Boards & Glass, BJW vs. CZW $100,000 Scramble: Tomoaki Honma vs. Zandig (11-23-00)
11. Jun Kasai vs. Kintaro Kanemura (1-28-01)
12. DM Title Tourney Final - Fluorescent Light Tubes, Barbed Wire Ropes, Fluorescent Light Tube Boards & Barbed Wire Canvas Chess Board) Zandig vs. Kintaro Kanemura (5-4-01)
13. Barefoot Thumbtacks & Barbed Wire Ropes: Jun Kasai vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (5-27-01)
BJW: Blood and Death History Disc 3
1. DM Title - 200 Flurorescent Light Tubes, Glass, Thumbtacks & Baseball Bat: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Zandig (8-19-01)
2. 200 Fluorescent Light Tubes Four Way Rumble: Mad Man Pondo vs. Wifebeater vs. Jun Kasai vs. Zandig (12-2-01)
3. DM Title - Exploding Glass & Thumbtacks: Zandig vs. Mitsuhiro
Matsunaga (12-2-01)
4. Flurorescent Light Tubes: BADBOY Hido vs. Kintaro Kanemura (3-3-02)
5. World Extreme Cup Round 2 - Barbed Wire Boards: The Winger vs. Homicide (8-4-02)
6. World Extreme Cup Round 2 - Barbed Wire Boards: BADBOY Hido vs. Seiji Yamakawa (8-4-02)
7. World Extreme Cup Final - Flurorescent Light Tubes & Glass: Kintaro Kanemura vs. Seiji Yamakawa (8-18-02)
8. Vacant DM Title - Flurorescent Light Tubes & Glass: Kintaro Kanemura vs. Shadow WX (3-3-03)
9. DM Title – Cage: Ryuji Ito vs. Kintaro Kanemura (8-24-03)
10. DM Title - Barbed Wire Ropes, Flurorescent Light Tubes, Glass, Barbed Wire Boards & Barbed Wire Cactus Ring Of Death: Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Ryuji Ito (12-24-03)
BJW: Blood and Death History Disc 4
1. 100 Flurorescent Light Tubes: Mad Man Pondo vs. Daisuke Sekimoto (12-22-04)
2. Tornado Bunkhouse: Kintaro Kanemura vs. Jaki Numazawa (12-18-04)
3. DM Title - Barbed Wire Baseball Bat, Fluorescent Light Tubes, Nail Cross, Barbed Wire Spidernet, Fluorescent Light Tubes Platform, Glass Platform, Thumbtacks, Fluorescent Light Tubes Trap, Fluorescent Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spiderweb 10 Items: BADBOY Hido vs. Ryuji Ito (12-18-04)
4. Jaki Numazawa 7 Death Match Series 6th - Madness Of Massacre ~ Crazy Slaughter - Barbed Wire Board & Razor Blade:
Jaki Numazawa vs. Jun Kasai (6-8-05)
5. DM Title - 300 Flurorescent Light Tubes: Takashi Sasaki vs. Ryuji Ito (6-8-05)
6. Three Way Fluorescent Light Tubes: Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa vs. Daisuke Sekimoto & Abdullah
Kobayashi vs. Ryuji Ito & Takashi Sasaki (8-28-05)
7. DM Title - 200 Flurorescent Light Tubes & Kenzan: Takashi Sasaki vs. Abdullah Kobayashi (3-31-06)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.1
1. 2 Tuff Tony / Madman Pondo VS Abdullah Kobasyashi / Jaki Numazawa [Barbed Wire Board Death Match]
2. Daisuke Sekimoto VS Madman Pondo [100 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
3. Badboy Hido / Kintaro Kanemura VS Ryuji Ito / Daisuke Sekimoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
4. Ryuji Ito / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Badboy Hido / Mike Samples [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
5. Badboy Hido VS Daisuke Sekimoto [Barbed Wire Board Death Match]
6. Abdullah Kobayashi / Jaki Numazawa VS Madman Pondo / 2 Tuff Tony [Wedding Reception Commemoration Death Match]
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.2
1. Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX VS Kintaro Kanemura / Takashi Sasaki [Barbed Wire Death Match]
2. Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Men’s Teiho / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Miyawaki / Badboy Hido / Kintaro Kanemura / Takashi Sasaki [Mortal Combat Spider Net Death Match]
3. Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Takashi Sasakiyuji VS Ryuji Ito / Men’s Teiho / Kintaro Kanemura [No Ropes Barbed Wire Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match]
4. Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jaki Numazawa [Fans Bring the Weapons Match]
5. Men's Teioh VS Jaki Numazawa [Barbed Wire Board Chain Death Match]
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.3
1. Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Kintaro Kanemura / Daisuke Sekimoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
2. Shadow WX VS Jaki Numazawa [Fans Bring the Weapons Death Match]
3. Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
4. Badboy Hido VS Jaki Numazawa [Lights Out Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
5. Jun Kasai / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Daisuke Sekimoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
6. Ryuji Ito / Jaki Numazawa / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Takashi Sasaki [100 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.4
1. Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Kintaro Kanemura / Daisuke Sekimoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
2. Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Mad Man Pondo / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Kintaro Kanemura / Men's Teioh / Daisuke Sekimoto [100 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match]
3. Ryuji Ito / Kintaro Kanemura / Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS BADBOY Hido / Jun Kasai / Takashi Sasaki / Gentaro [Scaffold Match]
4. Mad Man Pondo VS Jaki Numazawa [Light Tube Death Match]
5. Jun Kasai VS Jaki Numazawa [Barbed Wire Board / Razor Cross Board Death Match]
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.5
1. Ryuji Ito VS Takashi Sasaki [300 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Championship]
2. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Cage Death Match]
3. Daisuke Sekimoto VS Jaki Numazawa [Prison Hall Death Match]
4. Jun Kasai VS Mad Man Pondo
5. Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [3 Way Light Tube Death Match]
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.6 1. Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi / Takashi Sasaki / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Gentaro / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa / Mammoth Sasaki [Double Ring Scaffold Death Match] 2. Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [Fire Death Match] 3. Necro Butcher VS Mad Man Pondo [Street Fight Match] 4. Daisuke Sekimoto / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [250 Light Tube Death Match for the BJPW Tag Team Titles] 5. Daisuke Sekimoto / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Men’s Teiho / Jaki Numazawa [Three Way Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.7 1. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Men’s Teiho / Badboy Hido / Jaki Numazawa [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Abdullah Kobayashi VS Daisuke Sekimoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 3. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Men's Teioh / Jaki Numazawa [Barbed Wire Board Death Match] 4. Takashi Sasaki VS Jaki Numazawa [Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match] 5. Ryuji Ito VS Abdullah Kobayashi [Scaffold Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.8 1. Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Men's Teioh / Jaki Numazawa [200 Light Tubes match for the BJPW Tag Team Titles] 2. Badboy Hido / Kintaro Kanemura / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi / Jaki Numazawa [No Rope Barbed Wire Texas Tornado Death Match] 3. Masada VS Mad Dog VS Mad Man Pondo [Three Way Dance Match] 4. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Hyoma / Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 5. Ryuji Ito / Jaki Numzawa / Takashi Sasaki VS Kintaro Kanemura / Tetsuhiro Kuroda / Saburo Inematsu [Six-Sided Ring Construction Site Danger Network Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.9 1. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Masada / Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Jaki Numazawa VS Saburo Inematsu [Fans Bring Weapons Death Match] 3. Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Saburo Inematsu / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki [Three Way Light Tube Death Match] 4. Takashi Sasaki VS Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Light Tubes & Needle Points Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] 5. Jaki Numazawa / Abdullah Kobayashi / Daisuke Sekimoto VS Masada / Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match][/b] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.10 1. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa [Tokyo Tower Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Ryuji Ito VS Jaki Numazawa [Light Tube Death Match] 3. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Naoki Numazawa [Kawasaki Death Bridge Double Ring Death Match] 4. Abdullah Kobayashi / Mayumi Ozaki VS Yuko Miyamoto / Kyoko Kimura [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 5. Jun Kasai / Badboy Hido / Naoki Numazawa VS Hyoma / Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 6. Abdullah Kobayashi VS An Octopus [Ultimate Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.11 1. Takashi Sasaki VS Naoki Numazawa [200 Light Tubes Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] 2. Hyoma VS Jun Kasai [Barbed Wire Board Death Match] 3. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa [200 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 4. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami / Yuko Miyamoto [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 5. Abdullah Kobayashi VS Kyoko Kimura [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.12 1. Ryuji Ito / Jun Kasai VS Naoki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Abdullah Kobayashi / Kenzo Suzuki VS Mad Man Pondo / 2 Tuff Tony 3. Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 4. Ryuji Ito VS Takashi Sasaki [Super High Ladder Fluorescent Light Tubes Barbed Wire Hell Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] 5. Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa VS isami / Yuko Miyamoto [School of Madness Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.13 1. Mayumi Ozaki / Yuko Miyamoto VS Kyoko Kimura & isami [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Jun Kasai / Men's Teioh VS Naoki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki [Fire Death Match] 3. BADBOY Hido / Naoki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki VS Jun Kasai / Men's Teioh / Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 4. Badboy Hido / Abdullah Kobayashi / Takashi Sasaki VS Men's Teioh / Naoki Numazawa / Jun Kasai [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 5. Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi / Badboy Hido VS Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa / Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 6. Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa VS isami / Yuko Miyamoto [School of Madness Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.14 1. Takashi Sasaki VS Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Jun Kasai / Men's Teioh / Naoki Numazawa VS BADBOY Hido / Abdullah Kobayashi / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 3. Mad Man Pondo / Masada VS Coke Hain / Sam Hain 4. Takashi Sasaki VS Naoki Numazawa [Fluorescent Light Tubes Shrine Decision Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] 5. Jun Kasai & MEN¹s Teioh VS isami & Yuko Miyamoto [School of Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.15 1. Jun Kasai/MEN's Teioh / Yuko Miyamoto / Naoki Numazawa VS Abdullah Kobayashi / Masada / Takashi Sasaki / Shadow WX [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 2. Coke & Sam Hain VS Mad Man Pondo / Kyoko Kimura [Hardcore Match] 3. Masada / Naoki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki / Shadow WX VS isami / Jun Kasai / Yuko Miyamoto / Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 4. Jun Kasai / MEN's Teioh / Naoki Numazawa VS BADBOY Hido / Abdullah Kobayashi / Takashi Sasaki VS Mad Man Pondo / Masada / Shadow WX [3 Way Fire Death Match] 5. Takashi Sasaki, Shadow WX & MASADA VS Yuko Miyamoto, isami & Saburo Inematsu [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.16 1. Jaki Numazawa / Abdullah Kobayashi / KAORU VS MEN's Teioh / Jun Kasai / Kyoko Kimura [Barbed Wire Boards Death Match] 2. Jun Kasai / Yuko Miyamoto / Saburo Inematsu VS Takashi Sasaki / Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 3. Naoki Numazawa / Yuko Miyamoto VS Jun Kasai / isami [School of Death Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 4. Takashi Sasaki VS Yuko Miyamoto [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Fluorescent Lighttubes Construction Site Scaffold Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.17 1. Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa / Saburo Inematsu [Barbed Wire Boards Death Match] 2. Onryo / KAORU VS Men's Teioh / Kyoko Kimura [Mixed Barbed Wire Board Death Match] 3. isami / Ryuji Ito VS Shadow WX / The Winger VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi [Double Ring Four Way Tag Death Match] 4. Takashi Sasaki / Ryuji Ito / Yuko Miyamoto VS isami / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 5. Takashi Sasaki / Ryuji Ito / Yuko Miyamoto VS isami / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa [Fluorescent Lighttubes & Thumbtacks Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.18 1. SJK / MASADA VS Madman Pondo / Necro Butcher 2. Ryuji Ito VS Abdullah Kobayashi [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Contendership, Fluorescent Lighttubes Kenzan Death Match] 3. isami / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 4. Jun Kasai / Naoki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 5. Ryuji Ito VS Naoki Numazawa [Fluorescent Light Cross & Tower Penalty Box Hill of Sanctuary Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.19 1. Ryuji Ito VS Takeshi Sasaki [300 Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match for the BJPW Death Match Title] 2. Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Abdullah Kobayashi [Scaffold Death Match] 3. Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi [Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 4. Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto [No Rope Barbed Wire Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match] 5. Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki [3 Way Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.20 1. Takashi Sasaki VS Jaki Numazawa [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title] 2. Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match 3. Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Naoki Tanisaki / Mototsugu Shimizu [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 4. Ryuji Ito VS Yuko Miyamoto [Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 3rd ~ Fans Bring the Weapons Death Match] 5. 8 Man Death Match Battle Royale BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.21 1. Jun Kasai VS Yuko Miyamoto [Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 4th ~ Random Box & Chain Death Match] 2. Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi / Shadow WX VS Jaki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki / MASADA [Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 3. Jaki Numazawa VS Abdullah Kobayashi [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, 444 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match] 4. Shadow WX VS MASADA [Japan & USA Death Match Fighters ~ Hardcore Match] 5. Kintaro Kanemura VS Yuko Miyamoto [Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 5th ~ Spidernet & Barbed Wire Boards Death Match] 6. Ryuji Ito / Kesen Numajiro VS Jaki Numazawa / Jun Kasai VS Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayash [Double Ring 3 Way Tag Death Match] BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.22 1. Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series 6th ~ Moonlight Darkness Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Shadow WX VS Yuko Miyamoto 2. Pro-Wrestling Thanksgiving Saitama-Style Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa 3. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX VS MASADA / Jaki Numazawa 4. Barbed Wire Boards Death Match : Jun Kasai / Naoki Tanisaki VS Takashi Sasaki / Yuko Miyamoto 5. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Four Corners Cross of 'D' Death Match ~ Die Damage Danger Death : Ryuji Ito VS Jaki Numazawa BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.23 1. Yuko Miyamoto Seven Death Match Series Final ~ Barbed Wire Ropes Glass Crush Plus Alpha Death Match : Takashi Sasaki VS Yuko Miyamoto 2. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : MASADA / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Abdullah Kobayashi 3. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, No Rope Barbed Wire Fire Board & Barbed Wire Board Concrete Block Death Match : MASADA VS Ryuji Ito 4. Saitama-Style Fluorescent Lighttubes Plus Alpha Death Match : Takashi Sasaki / Yuko Miyamoto VS Jaki Numazawa / Abdullah Kobayashi BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.24 1. Barbed Wire Board: Ryuji Ito, Shadow WX VS Jaki Numazawa, Yuko Miyamoto 2. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Ryuji Ito, Shadow WX VS Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto 3. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Ryuji Ito, Abdullah Kobayashi VS Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto 4. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Shadow WX, Abdullah Kobayashi VS Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto 5. Saitama Special Barbed Wire Boards: Ryuji Ito, Takashi Sasaki, Abdullah Kobayashi VS Mammoth Sasaki, Jaki Numazawa, Saburo Inematsu BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.25 1. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes + alpha: Ryuji Ito, Yuko Miyamoto VS Shadow WX, Jaki Numazawa 2. BJW DM Hvy Title Contendership, Moonlight Darkness Fluorescent Lighttube Boards +alpha: Shadow WX VS Yuko Miyamoto 3. House Death Match: Ryuji Ito, Daisuke Sekimoto VS Yusaku Obata, Spark Aoki, Atsushi Ohashi 4. House Death Match: Ryuji Ito, Yuko Miyamoto VS Shadow WX, Jaki Numazawa 5. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Ryuji Ito, Jaki Numazawa, Abdullah Kobayashi VS Shadow WX, Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.26 1. BJW DM Hvy Title, Fluorescent Lighttube Boards & Weapons: Shadow WX VS Ryuji Ito 2. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Shadow WX, Ryuji Ito, Abdullah Kobayashi VS Takashi Sasaki, Jaki Numazawa, Yuko Miyamoto 3. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Shadow WX, Ryuji Ito VS Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto 4. Korakuen Bangai Chi Death Match Carnival: Jun Kasai, Jaki Numazawa VS Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.27 1. BJW DM Title, Summer of Yokohama Cage Fluorescent Lightube Boards Super Hot Spice: Jun Kasai VS Shadow WX (13.07.2008) 2. Barbed Wire Boards & Ladder Match : Ryuji Ito / Isami Kodaka VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (13.07.2008) 3. No Ropes Barbed Wire & Barbed Wire Boards Falls Count Anywhere Death Match : MASADA / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (25.07.2008) 4. BJW Death Match Title, No Ropes Barbed Wire Fire & Fire Boards Death Match : Shadow WX VS Abdullah Kobayashi (10.08.2008) 5. No Ropes Barbed Wire Street Fight Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Isami Kodaka / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa / Takashi Sasaki / Yuko Miyamoto (18.08.2008) BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.28 1. Roses & Fluorescent Lighttubes Altar : Edgar Kasai / Black Angel / Edmund Sasaki VS Kent Inoue / France Teioh / Cordelia Ito (07.08.2008) 2. Dangerous Weapon Spider Net Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (14.09.2008) 3. Glass Board Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (15.09.2008) 4. Fluorescent Lighttubes Board Death Match : Shadow WX / The Winger VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (13.10.2008) 5. 4 Boards Free Weapons: Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki / Kankuro Hoshino VS Shadow WX / Isami Kodaka / Abdullah Kobayashi (27.10.2008) BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.29 1. Hardcore Match : MASADA VS Takashi Sasaki (01.11.2008) 2. Weapons Carry War Games: Shadow WX / Ryuji Ito / Jaki Numazawa / Abdullah Kobayashi VS isami / Jun Kasai / Yuko Miyamoto / Kankuro Hoshino (01.11.2008) 3. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Double Produce Death Match : Shadow WX VS Takashi Sasaki (03.11.2008) 4. Hardcore Match : MASADA VS Isami Kodaka (21.11.2008) 5. Three Way Fluorescent Lightubes Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (21.11.2008) 6. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (14.12.2008) BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.30 1. BJPW Young Blood Death Match : Isami Kodaka / Saburo Inematsu VS Masashi Takeda / Kankuro Hoshino (19.12.2008) 2. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Barbed Wire Blast Death Match : Shadow WX VS Yuko Miyamoto (19.12.2008) 3. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Ryuji Ito / The Great Sasuke / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Saburo Inematsu (31.12.2008) 4. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Shuji Ishikawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (02.01.2009) 5. New Year's Gift Scramble Otoko Darake Cage Match : MASADA / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS The Winger / Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (04.01.2009) 6. New Year's Gift Scramble Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numasawa VS Mototsugu Shimizu / Abdullah Kobayashi (04.01.2009) BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.31 1. Fluorescent Lighttubes & Weapons Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda (04.01.2009) 2. Barbed Wire Boards: Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Shuji Ishikawa VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda / Kankuro Hoshino (22.01.2009) 3. Yokohama Big Bloody Battle Red Brick Lightubes: MASADA / Jun Kasai VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (22.01.2009) 4. No Ropes Barbed Wire: MASADA / Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (01.02.2009) 5. Friday The 13th Fluorescent Lightubes Cage Sacrifice: Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (13.02.2009) BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.32 1. Max Tag League - Block A, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Barbed Wire Boards Death Match : MASADA / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Shadow WX / The Winger (2-15-09) 2. Max Tag League - Block B, Barbed Wire Boards Death Match : Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda VS Kankuro Hoshino / Katsumasa Inoue (3-12-09) 3. Hardcore Match : Gosaku / The Winger / Shuji Ishikawa VS Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (3-12-09) 4. Friday The 13th Eve Bridge to Sanzu-River Match : Jun Kasai VS Jaki Numazawa (3-12-09) 5. Maximum Tag League - Block B, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Double Board Death Match : Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda VS Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki (3-26-09) 6. Maximum Tag League - Semi Final, Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Shuji Ishikawa VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda (4-28-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.33 1. Maximum Tag League - Block B, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Chain Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Kankuro Hoshino / Katsumasa Inoue (3-9-09) 2. Barbed Wire Board Death Match : Shadow WX / Yuko Miyamoto / Jaki Numazawa VS Isami Kodaka / Kankuro Hoshino / Katsumasa Inoue (4-1-09) 3. Hardcore Match : MASADA / Kankuro Hoshino VS Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda (4-19-09) 4. Maximum Tag League - Block A, Dangerous Weapons & Fluorescent Lighttubes Boards Death Match : Shadow WX / The Winger VS Ryuji Ito / Shuji Ishikawa (4-19-09) 5. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki / TAKA Michinoku VS Isami Kodaka / Jaki Numazawa / Masashi Takeda (4-30-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.34 1. Maximum Tag League - Block B, Barbed Wire Boards Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Kankuro Hoshino / Katsumasa Inoue (3-24-09) 2. Iron Cage & Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki / Jaki Numazawa VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda / Kankuro Hoshino (4-6-09) 3. Fluorescent Lighttubes: Ryuji Ito / Jaki Numazawa VS Yuko Miyamoto / Shuji Ishikawa (5-9-09) 4. Fluorescent Lighttubes: MASADA / Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodak / Masashi Takeda / Jaki Numazawa (5-10-09) 5. Maximum Tag League - Final / BJW Tag Team Title - Fluorescent Lighttubes Tower Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda (5-28-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.35 1. Barbed Wire Boards & Lethal Weapon Death Match : Takashi Sasaki VS Abdullah Kobayashi (6-8-09) 2. Death Cake of Fear 32,000 Thumbtacks & 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Birthday Death Cake Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa / Kankuro Hoshino VS Shadow WX / Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda (6-8-09) 3. Ryuji Ito Return Match : Ryuji Ito / Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Shadow WX / Kankuro Hoshino / Abdullah Kobayashi (6-29-09) 4. Iron Cage of Hell Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Isami Kodaka / Masashi Takeda (6-29-09) 5. Fluorescent Lighttubes & Barbed Wire Boards Double Board Death Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Kankuro Hoshino (7-12-09) 6. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Scaffold Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto VS Masashi Takeda (7-12-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.36 1. KKK (Kenzan, Keikoutou & Karibbean Barbed Wire) Death Match : Jun Kasai VS Abdullah Kobayashi (7-27-09) 2. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes & Dangerous Weapons Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto / Takashi Sasaki VS Ryuji Ito / Jaki Numazawa (7-27-09) 3. Hardcore Match : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Kankuro Hoshino / Mototsugu Shimizu (8-28-09) 4. Death Match General Election - Thumbtacks VS Kenzan, Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda (8-28-09) 5. Yuko Miyamoto Yankee 7 Match Series 8th, Iron Cage Fluorescent Lighttubes Ladder Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto VS Isami Kodaka (8-28-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.37 1. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, 445 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto VS Abdullah Kobayashi (9-30-09) 2. Love of Madness Poison Death Match : Romeo Kasai VS Juliet Numazawa (10-1-09) 3. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes & Dangerous Weapons 3 Way Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa (10-26-09) 4. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Shadow WX / Takashi Sasaki / Abdullah Kobayashi VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda (11-20-09) 5. Razor Cross Board Death Match : Jun Kasai VS Ryuji Ito (11-20-09)
BJPW Death Matches Collection Vol.38 1. Hardcore Match : MASADA VS Kankuro Hoshino (11-20-09) 2. Three Way Dangerous Weapons Death Match : Ryuji Ito / MASADA VS Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS Masashi Takeda / Kankuro Hoshino (12-4-09) 3. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Scaffold Death Match : Yuko Miyamoto VS Takashi Sasaki (12-4-09) 4. Street Fight : Jun Kasai / Jaki Numazawa VS MASADA / Kankuro Hoshino (12-13-09) 5. Three Way Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto VS Shadow WX / Abdullah Kobayashi (12-13-09) 6. Three Way Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match : Ryuji Ito / Shadow WX / Jaki Numazawa VS Jun Kasai / The Winger / Takashi Sasaki VS Isami Kodaka / Yuko Miyamoto / Masashi Takeda (12-31-09)
Note: This site is for informational purposes only. This is where I keep the listings of the tapes in my collection. None of the videos listed on this site are for sale or trade.